The Conflict

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Old Pennywise and New Pennywise walk to town down the street to McDonalds during closed

New Pennywise: Isn't this so romantic?

Old Pennywise: Very

They order their food and sit down at a table, if you wonder what they ordered, they got Big Macs and McFlurrys

They discuss current events such as politics and they suprisingly agree with each other on those sort of topics

They hear laughing

Old Pennywise: What was that??

New Pennywise: I don't know! What is going on I'm scared!

Old Pennywise: I will protect you

Ronald McDonald: You can't get rid of me bitch, I'm not a fucking big mac

Old Pennywise: Leave him alone

Ronald McDonalds: He is actually my soulmate, not yours

Old Pennywise: New Pennywise, is that true? Please don't cheat on me

New Pennywise: I did not date him it's not true it's bullshit I did not date him, Oh Hi Mark


Ronald Mcdonald: Remember when we made out New Pennywise??

Ronald McDonald shows record of them dating

New Pennywise: Stop spreading those rumors around

Ronald McDonald: Rumors? They don't even exist to me!! I never told a lie

Old Pennywise cries in horror

New Pennywise: Don't listen to him, he's a liar I swear

A tear sheds down New Pennywise's Face

Ronald McDonald smiles with sharp teeth and laughs and lights flicker.

The Ground Shakes

Mark: Leave them alone, I am omniscient. I am knowing. Old Pennywise don't worry, the rumors are fake

Ronald McDonald: Oh really mark? You are just a rat, with a smooth brain. Shut up

Ronald McDonald puts Mark in the fryer

Mark is now a fried rat

Both Pennywises: NOOOOO MARK!!!!!!!!!!!

Ronald McDonald laughs and the tables and chairs shake and levitate

New & Old Pennywise Hold hands and runs out of the building

Ronald McDonald runs after them with a lasso and captures them and brings them back into the McDonald and barricades the doors

Ronald McDonald: You can't escape the fate!!!

The Monster Big Macs: Errrrrghhhh

The Monster Big Macs run towards Old Pennywise and surround him

New Pennywise is an avid big mac fan

New Pennywise begins to eat the distracted Big Macs
they were too big to eat

Ronald McDonald: New Pennywise, you broke my heart, now it's time to destroy your life

Ronald McDonald freezes the big macs

Ronald McDonald: Please, go back to me

New Pennywise: I was never with you, I was just your friend

Mark, still fried, wakes up

Ronald McDonald shocked, but slices Mark in half

Old Pennywise: Leave my soulmate alone,

Old Pennywise grabs a hammer out of his pocket and shatters the big macs

Ronald McDonald: I thought my Big Macs were immortal!!

Old Pennywise: They were, but since they are frozen, they can be broken. Dumbass here take this balloon

The balloon pops and Ronald McDonald's face is bloody

Ronald McDonald: Hahahaha, I look more hot, thanks.

Mark comes back into pieces, unfries himself and drinks his blood, he is unnoticed

Ronald McDonald grabs a gun

Ronald McDonald: This is the end of your lives

Mark spits his blood onto the floor in front of Ronald McDonald and puts a bear trap behind him

Ronald McDonald takes a step forward to aim his gun and presses the trigger. He misses and slips on Mark's blood puddle

Ronald McDonald: How are my plans failing?? I'm omniscient!!

Ronald McDonald Slips and fall and his head gets caught with the bear trap and he gets decapitated

Mark suprised them

Old Pennywise: You are alive!!!! Mark Is Alive!!!

Both pennywises cried tears of joy

Mark: Let's get out of here

Old Pennywise: I though you were gone for real

Mark: Nope

New Pennywise: How are we going to clean this up?

Mark: Fake it as a suicide

They write a note next to Ronald McDonald's body

Mark: We need to undo the barricades and get out of here

Old Pennywise unscrews the boards and they fall down

They open door and run out

Soulmate Void:  A Old Pennywise X New Pennywise storyWhere stories live. Discover now