The Prison

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Mark and the Pennywises are now prison, in the same cell.

Mark: I'm so glad we all ended up in the same cell! it would be hell if it didn't

New Pennywise: Yeah, it would be torture

Old Pennywise: Oh my gosh, I'd be in tears if I don't see my babe new pennywise

New Pennywise blushes and giggles

New Pennywise: I love it when you call me Babe, honey.

New Pennywise winks

New Pennywise: Let's make out

Old Pennywise: I agree

They proceed to make out

Mark: Can I join?

New Pennywise: Go find your own soulmate, you are a guide after all.... Everyone has a soulmate. Even guides. Not everyone has a romantic soulmate though.

Mark: Is that true?

Old Pennywise: Anything is possible, especially when you have guiding powers

Mark: Oh, you are right

Lunch Time

Mark and the Pennywises enter the cafeteria

Mark: This food looks delicious!

Old Pennywise: This food looks terrible!

New Pennywise: I agree with my Honey

The food here consists of healthy vegetables, unknown substances, and motor oil

Lunch Lady: Not my fault, this prison requires me to make these

Mark: Oh, you're good don't worry, I actually like this type of food because I am a sewer rat

Lunch Lady: I'm glad you like it, but if I was in charge I'd make big macs for you. Ronald McDonald does not own this prison currently, but he is planning on it.

New Pennywise: Oh great! You know I'm a huge Big Mac Fan!

They order their food and sit down at a deserted table.

Joker approaches them

Joker: Hey can I have a seat?

Mark: Hell no, you are ugly as fuck

New Pennywise: Nobody likes you, nobody will ever like you, just give up

Old Pennywise: This dude is probably the only one without a soulmate

Mark: Can't argue with that...

Old Pennywise: Have you considered letting a bus run over you?

Joker: Why is everyone bullying me? We live in a society

New Pennywise: Shut up, your hair looks like grass

Joker left the table with slouch and looking down at the ground

Mark: Good riddance, anyways y'all give me your food if you don't like it

They give Mark their food

Mark devours the food

Mark: So anyways let's talk about Ronald McDonald

New Pennywise: Sure, what about him?

Mark: So I flirted with him in the courtroom, and he blushed, you think he might be attracted to me?

Old Pennywsie: Let's see, are you attracted to him?

Soulmate Void:  A Old Pennywise X New Pennywise storyWhere stories live. Discover now