The Wedding

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Bells Ring and the crew wakes up

Mark: Good morning everyone, I'm so proud of y'all, ready for the wedding? It is in a few minutes

New Pennywise: We know, and we are so stoked for it

Old Pennywise: I will always love you

New Pennywise: When is it going to start?

Bell rings

Officer BigMac lets them out of their cell

Officer BigMac: Time for you wedding!

New Pennywise, Old Pennywise, and Mark walk into the cafeteria

Ronald McDonald: Hello guys! I got you big macs! And McFlurries because you guys are my besties

Mark blushes and smiles

Mark: I really appreciate this Ronald Mcdonald

Mark winks at Ronald McDonald

Ronald McDonald: Come sit with me Mark

Mark swoons and walks towards the table Ronald McDonald is at

New Pennywise and Old Pennywise grab their Big Macs and Flurries and sit at a table

New Pennywise: We are getting married I'm so excited!

Old Pennywise: Let's eat and have enough time to enjoy whilst having enough time for our wedding to start

New Pennywise devours his food

New Pennywise: Beep Beep delicious!

Old Pennywise did that same thing

Mark and Ronald McDonald at their table:

Ronald McDonald smiles sticking his tongue out

Mark: T-t-that was hot

Ronald McDonald: You think so?

Mark: I also love your dimples

Ronald McDonald eyes dilate

Ronald McDonald: I think we're in love, anyways you should start their wedding now

Mark walks up on the stage and speaks in the microphone

Mark: May New Pennywise, and Old Pennywise come up here?

New pennywise and old pennywise walk up to the stage

Mark: Sing your duet

Old Pennywise: Whenever I'm alone with you..

New Pennywise: You make me feel like I am calm again

Old Pennywise: Whenever I'm alone with you, you make me feel like I am whole again!

New Pennywise: Whenever I'm alone with you, you make me feel like I am young again! Whenever I am alone with you, you make me feel like I am fun again!

Old Pennywise: However far away, I will always. However long I stay, I will always I love you. Whatever words I say, I will always love you

New Pennywise: I will always love you

Old Pennywise: Whenever I'm ALONE, you make me feel like I am FREE again!

Mark: Okay that's enough of this song!

Joker runs into the cafeteria

Soulmate Void:  A Old Pennywise X New Pennywise storyWhere stories live. Discover now