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Her body was limp, strung forward as she slowly began to wake from her medicated sleep. Coughing harshly as she inhaled too deeply, the sound of liquid hitting to floor resonated in the room. Her vision seemed to shake, blur as if she was moving too fast or too slow. She lifted her head looking up from the blood that had just colored the floors of her cell.

"You are taking it quite well."

Emmy's eyes glowed as silver shade, pulsing before fading into her father's brown eyes. Her wrists had been tied behind her back, her eyes glaring up at Artemis who had just spoken.

"Though I would say, Thalia took it much faster than you did. However, she was already, special, unlike you who is practically a baby." Artemis said nonchalantly.

"What-" Emmy coughed again, her eyes flashing silver. "What do you want from us?"

Artemis grinned as she turned to the girl. "Oh, I don't want anything from your friend Benny. Everything I want I will get from you Emilia. You will become a child of the hunt, a child of my hunt. You will become my daughter." She said as she leaned down and cupped Emmy's cheek with her hand.

Emmy's eyes flashed a bright silver as she tried to lean her face away from her hand, but Artemis grinned with malice.

"Oh, you will do just perfectly my child. I can't wait to see what you will become." She whispered before turning around and walking back towards the doors.

"Oh and Emmy. Don't get attached to your boy Benny. From what I've heard, he might not make it through the second dosage." Artemis grinned as she looked over her shoulder.

The doors shut with a booming clang as Emmy's eyes widened in fear and shock. Tears fell silently down her cheeks as the shock slowly began to set in.

She didn't move as the guard and doctor moved into the room. She didn't fight as the needle entered her vein. She barely breathed as the blood in her body started to turn cold, making her shiver.

But she screamed as the pain erupted in her heart. The serum burning through her system, corrupting it and evolving it. Her skin broke out in sweats as her body turned feverish, but her blood was still cold as ice. Her screams echoed through the halls, drowning out the sound of footsteps.

Sea-foam green eyes looked up at the sound, frowning as it slowly faded into silence. A hand touched his back and he turned to face Annabeth who had the same worried look on her face.

"They'll be fine. They'll make it." Nico said aloud, reassuring himself that they would be. But the future was still unsure, he didn't know the truth.

No one knew if they would make it.


Nothing could describe the fear that I was feeling.

"Love, please sit down-"

"Sit down? SIT DOWN? Newton how can you tell me to sit down while our daughter is missing!" YN practically screamed.

"Love, I need you to sit down, you don't want to put on any stress it's bad for the baby. Besides I can see that your ankles are killing you from here." I state with a small sigh.

YN paused for a moment before sitting down and putting her face in her hands.

"Why did they take her Newt? Why?" 

I frowned as I notice her shoulders beginning to shake, and I stride over to her and kneel in front of her.

"Hey, hey. Look at me." I whisper, and slowly she pulled her hands away from her face. Her eyes slowly meeting mine.

HB13 The Lost OneWhere stories live. Discover now