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I stepped over a fallen tree trunk, and pause to wait for the others to catch up with me. I was quick to realize, that the serum that they had given me, gave me speed. I could go faster than the Berg, and maybe faster than a bullet. But I'm not sure if I'm going to test that last one out.

The island from what we could see, was mostly just a dense jungle, with the small exception of the towering skyscraper that seemed to be standing in the middle of it all.

"That's where they'll be. Up there, the top floor." Nico said as he pointed up to the building.

Percy glared at the top of the building before Annabeth said that we should rest.

We all sat down, either on the ground or on the log. I sighed softly as I leaned my back against a tree, letting my legs rest.

"So, I think we should have a talk. All of us." Jason said as he sat down beside Piper.

"About what? About the fact that we're stuck on an island with the dicks up in a tower? Or the fact that they had somehow planned this?" Leo said as he toyed around with his toolbelt.

"About the two new half-bloods," Jason said before looking my way.

I looked up from my spot and saw them all glance at me.

"What?" I blurt out, obviously not paying attention to the starting conversation.

Grover glanced over at Annabeth and Percy before sighing softly.

"When you first came here, to Olympus, you and Emmy said something about WICKED. What did you mean? And Nico, why didn't you tell anyone? And who's coming for them?"

I glance over at Nico, before I sighed and sat up.

"WICKED was an organization that believed in finding the cure for the Flare."

"The Flare? I remember that, but I thought I don't ever remember hearing about WICKED." Percy said as Piper nodded.

"I'm not really surprised, but WICKED is- was- one of the corporations that worked to find the cure. They told lies to parents, telling them that they would keep their children safe from the Flare. But in reality, the children became lab rats. They had their memories wiped, and were placed into a maze." I paused, looking down at the ground. "Emmy grew up in the maze, her parents YN and Newt had been a part of the maze, the Glade they called it. And they managed to escape before they had to go through the Scorch."

Hazel shakes her head. "The Scorch? What's that?"

I blink and shake my head as memories pop up. "The Scorch was a dry deserted wasteland, nothing but sand and broken buildings. Cranks live there."

"Cranks?" Frank parroted.

"The infected people, they were called Cranks," Nico answered.

"Zombies? We have zombies now?"

I sigh and stand up. "Look, I don't know what you want me to say. The world is shit, but our families found a place to live. We have our own damn community, and everyone we care about is there. And now, they are looking for us, and when they find us-"

"TRAIL ONE HAS BEGUN." A robotic voice said before a horn was set off.

We all paused, before glancing at each other.

"What the fuck's trial one?"


I stared at the wall barely moving an inch. I felt like my chest was being pressed on, I could barely breathe. My eyes stung as tears slipped down my cheeks, dripping down onto my arms. Beside me were Thomas and Minho, with Sammy beside Thomas. 

None of us spoke a word. 

I couldn't think. My mind constantly playing the memories I have of Emmy. The first day I met her, the way she smiled. How she gave me flower crowns, the first time she called me Dad. All of it.

I couldn't do anything to save her.

What kind of father can't protect his own child.


Twelve half-bloods ran through the jungle, the sound of crackling of fire following them behind closely.

"What kind of fucking LUNATIC SETS A FUCKING JUNGLE ON FIRE!" Benny yelled as he dodged a burning tree falling.

"THE KIND WITH THE INTENTION TO KILL US ALL!" Will answered as he pulled Nico out of the way.

"CAN'T YOU DO SOMETHING?" Benny turned to Leo.




Just as Benny was about to reply, he tripped over his own feet and flew down the hill.

"BENNY!" Was the last thing he heard before he blacked out.



"Again," Artemis stated as she crossed her arms.

Emilia nodded silently, raising her bow and knocking another arrow. She inhaled deeply, closing her eyes before she let the arrow fly. She opened her eyes and saw that she had hit the target dead in the center.

"I see she has improved greatly," Zeus said as he entered the room. "Perhaps we could use her for the next trial."

Artemis hummed before walking over to Emilia.

"No, I believe she can have much more to improve on. She will need more time before she can face the trials."

Zeus nodded before turning to leave. "Have her ready within the next 10 days Artemis. Not a moment later."

Artemis nodded as Zeus shut the door.

She cupped Emilia's face and smiled down at her. "You will be perfect by then child. Nothing less than perfection for my daughter. Practice once more, then we shall work on your sword fighting."

"Yes, Mother," Emilia replied, no emotion in her voice.


Benny groaned as he felt a pounding in his head slowly disappear. Opening his eyes slowly, he looked over to find Will healing him.

"You fell down all the way to the bottom, you had a broken rib and a concussion Not to mention the other bones you broke."

"Thanks." Benny coughed as he slowly sat up.

"Look who woke up, sleeping speedy."

Benny glared at Leo before sighing and looking around. "Where the hell are we?"

"Down at the bottom of the hill you fell down."

Benny glared over at Leo, opening his mouth to reply before Annabeth interrupted.

"We're out of the fire, which was the first trial by the way. And now we should build a camp before it gets too dark. Leo, you make a small campfire, and Benny if you're feeling better, go collect wood. We're staying here till the morning. Jason, you'll take first watch, and Percy you go with Frank and collect food. Grover, you collect water with Hazel. Piper, Will, make sure Leo and Benny don't kill each other."

"Great, babysitting duty," Piper mumbled as Will sighed.

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