Love Interest for Dean

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AN: I've decided to post updates for this on Sundays!


"Man, you've been moping all day. Lighten up, would you?"

I glared across the booth at my co-stars. Jared and Misha had been trying to cheer me up ever since I got a call from my lawyer saying the divorce was finalized. Danneel and I had been married for five years, and it just wasn't working out for us. Even after adding our now two-year-old daughter JJ into the mix, things remained tense. And so, when Danneel had gifted me with divorce papers to sign on Christmas a year and half ago, I hadn't protested.

"We came out to have a good time, and your mood is bringing down the entire night," Jared continued.

"So how about I get out of your hair? Let you have that good time without me," I grumbled, sliding out of the booth.

"Jay, don't be like that. Stay, please," Misha spoke up, impossibly blue eyes pleading.

We stared at each other for a minute, before I sighed and sat back down.

"Look man, we get that it sucks, but there's not much you can do about it now," Jared said.

"Jared, I swear if you don't stop talking, I'm going to leave," I threatened.

"Well, how about that script?" Misha expertly changed the subject as Jared opened his mouth to make a comeback. "Exciting stuff, isn't it?"

Oh, the script. How could I forget? Jared and I had gotten the copies for the season premiere earlier that afternoon, glancing through it together with Misha. It was a good episode, except for one small detail: Dean was getting a love interest. Faith Williams. She was supposed to be an amateur hunter they ran into while dealing with The Darkness. For some reason that probably had to do with the divorce, I just did not want to deal with that this season, or any season for that matter. It went against everything Dean stood for.

He was a hunter. He couldn't afford to have a long term relationship with anyone. Girls were good for a night, and then he would skip town for the next hunt and never look back again. But it was right there in black and white: Dean and Faith. Having a new love interest also meant that they'd have to hold auditions, which most likely meant I'd have to come in and read against girls who probably wouldn't even have an interest in the actual show, just getting the opportunity to act with me.

"What do you think, Jay?" Misha's voice cut through my thoughts.

"It's okay," I shrugged, taking a sip of my beer.

"Just okay?" Jared piggybacked on Misha's question.

"It's got a few good points, I suppose. I don't really care."

"Good points? Like-"

"Not. That," I cut off the moose.

"Come on, you're not the least bit excited about it?"



"Drop it, Jared."

I tuned out the conversation after that, focusing solely on my beer while Misha and Jared talked about the script more.


"Ah, Mr. Ackles. Thanks for coming in."

I just nodded, taking a seat at the table and slapping my script down on the surface. I still thought this whole thing was stupid. The producers and writers sat on the other side of the table, waiting expectantly. When I had gotten called in to read for the auditions, I hadn't bothered getting dressed up much, just throwing on a pair of faded jeans and a sweatshirt. A pair of sunglasses hid my eyes as I slumped in my seat. A moment later, a young woman entered the room.

I had to admit, she wasn't terrible looking, but I still was totally and utterly against what we were doing here. She glanced over at me, smirking slightly as she took a seat and pulled out her copy of the script.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing," she shook her head.

"No, please, what's got that smug little smirk on your face?"

"Do you know who wears sunglasses inside?"

I had to stop myself from groaning. It was just my luck that the first girl that came through the door would quote myself to me. When I didn't respond, she glanced up from the script now sitting in her lap.

"Blind people. And douchebags," she winked before looking away again.

"I guess that makes me a douchebag, then," I responded, pulling my script closer.

Once again, her eyes looked over at me, and I could practically see the gears turning in her head as she processed my words.

"Page 32 in your scripts," Andrew Dabb said.

I flipped through, noticing how she had already tabbed the page and got there much quicker than me.

"Whenever you're ready, Mr. Ackles."

Glancing down at the page, I began to read.

"What the hell were you thinking? You could have gotten yourself killed."

"I can handle myself, thank you very much," the woman responded, sounding angry.

"Clearly you can't," I continued. "Otherwise we wouldn't be here with me stitching you up, now would we?"

"What is your problem? I was only trying to help."

"My problem? Sweetheart, my only problem is that I'm here, dealing with some amateur who thinks she can do whatever the hell she wants."

"I'm not some amateur," she stated stubbornly. "I've been doing this for nearly two years."

"Two years, huh?" I scoffed.

"Why? How long have you been doing this?"

"Since I was four."

The script called for a beat of silence, and there was one before the woman next to me spoke again in a timid voice.


I glanced over at her like it said in the directions, surprised to see her staring back at me with an expression laced with confusion and sadness, not unlike the one I supposed Faith would be giving Dean at that moment. I had to give it to her, this woman could act. True to the character, she had gone from being angry at Dean to deflated in seconds.

"Alright. I think we've seen enough," Jeremy Carver said. "We'll discuss and let you know when we've made our decision, Miss Pearce."

"Thank you," the woman, Miss Pearce, said, slipping her script back in her bag.

As she stood up, she looked back at me one last time.

"See you around, Douchebag."

I stared after her, mouth agape as she sashayed out the door.

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