Meeting Misha

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"Are you ever going to tell him your name?"

"He has to earn it," I shrugged.

Jared shook his head at me as I dug into my meal.

"Boo," a new voice said.

I looked up to see Misha had just jumped on Jared. Jared looked miffed, his food having spilled slightly due to Misha's shenanigans. I immediately started laughing at Jared's expression and Misha turned his attention toward me.

"Ooh! You must be Miss She-Called-Me-a-Douchebag!"

"Scarlett Pearce," I grinned, holding out my hand.

Misha took it, shaking it firmly before sitting down beside Jared.

"But you can't tell Jensen, because he hasn't heard anything besides my last name yet."

"Got it."

"Dude, you have to go get me more food," Jared turned to Misha expectantly.

"What? No, I'm talking to Miss Pearce. Go get yourself more food."

Jared scowled, looking forlornly back at the food on the ground as if debating whether or not it was worth it to go get fresh or if he could get away with picking it up and eating it anyway.

"So, how have you liked filming so far?" Misha asked me.

"Well, I think Jared and Jensen made me break more than we actually got through the scenes, so overall it's been good," I joked.

"Ah, yes. Welcome to the Supernatural experience, where you have not truly filmed an episode until you have been thoroughly messed with by the resident Moose and Squirrel."

I laughed at Misha's words, continuing to eat my lunch. 

"So, is there any particular reason why you haven't told Jensen you're first name, or are you just doing it to mess with him?"

"I don't know, there's just something so fun in seeing him get frustrated when I call him a douchebag and the only comeback he has to call me is my last name."

"He really hasn't come up with a proper nickname to combat 'Douchebag'?"

"Not yet," I shook my head. "I haven't exactly given him much to work with."

Misha nodded, sitting back in his chair.

"So are you just visiting, then? I don't remember Castiel being in the script for the premiere."

"Yeah, I just wanted to pop by and say hi. And meet our newest cast member," Misha smiled.

"That's nice of you."

"Yeah, nice," Jared mumbled, attempting to salvage some of his food.

I giggled, pushing the rest of my food toward the giant across from me. His eyes immediately lit up and he gave up on his own meal as he finished off mine. It honestly was too much food for me to eat, so I didn't mind pawning it off to the moose.

"Alright, time for the question and answer portion of this meeting," Misha announced.

"Should I be scared?" I inquired.

"Nah, it's just a way to get to know you better," Jared assured me around a mouthful of food.

"Okay, question one: First impressions of J2!"

"That's not really a question, Misha," I pointed out.

"Fine, what were your first impressions of J2?" Misha rephrased.

"Well, I think you already know my first impression of Jensen," I began before pausing. "I don't really know what my first impression of Jared was, honestly. It was kind of an interesting first meeting."

"Okay, that's not fair. You have to give us something," Misha whined.

"Fine, my first impression of Jensen was that he was a douchebag and my first impression of Jared was that he was really nice."

"Okay, on to question two: most embarrassing thing you've had to do on camera."

"You realize you aren't phrasing any of these as questions, right?"

"Would you just answer already so we can move on?"

"Alright... most embarrassing thing I've had to do on camera... I, um, I can't really think of anything."

"Come on. You have to have at least one embarrassing story," Jared pressed.

"Nope. Nothing."

"Well, looks like we have a new goal for you during your time on set," Misha grinned.

"Oh man," I groaned, burying my face in my hands. "What's question three?"

"Question three: have you ever dated one of your co-workers?"

"See, that right there is an actual question in question form," I pointed out. "And before you get on my case, no I haven't."

"This isn't one of the official questions, but follow up question, why not?" Jared asked.

"No one has really caught my eye, I guess. Plus after the whole fiasco with my last job, I doubt I could even think about dating someone I work with ever."

"Fiasco with your last job?" Misha raised an eyebrow at me.

"Now that is a long and tiring story that we do not have time for at this present moment," I shook my head at him.

"Oh, come on. You can't drop a bombshell like that and not give a follow up story with it!" 

"Is that why this is the first thing you've auditioned for in nearly a year?" Jared quizzed me.

"Yeah, that has to do with it," I confirmed.

Misha and Jared shared a look before turning back to me.

"Question four: are you currently single?"

"Yes, Misha, I am currently single."

"Man, I think that's the easiest answer we've gotten out of you so far," Jared grinned.

"Question five," Misha pressed on. "Sam or Dean? Or Castiel?"

"Do I really have to answer that?"

"Hey, if you are going to be part of this cast, we must know which team you are rooting for!"

I groaned, rolling my eyes before answering the question.

"Dean. Though I do have a little soft spot for Castiel. Sam has never been on the table for me."

"Seriously?" Jared protested.

"Cut your hair, then maybe we can talk," I told him.

"Dean with a soft spot for Castiel. Good choices," Jared nodded.

Misha and I both laughed at him as he became suddenly very invested in the last bit of food on his plate, refusing to focus on anything else. 

"Moving on to question six, then," Misha looked back at me. 

We continued the game for a while, all three of us joking and laughing like we had known each other for years. It was honestly so nice for me to experience the welcoming atmosphere and general playfulness that was the Supernatural set after going through what I did. I couldn't ask for a better way to jump back into the wonderful world of television.

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