Friend Intervention

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I don't know what I was expecting, but to have the very first question of the panel be directed at me and be about what happened on The Originals was definitely not it. It left me shaken, and I barely registered what the next question was or what Jensen was saying in response to it until I felt one of his fingers twirling a strand of my hair as he spoke. It was totally cliché, but that little gesture was exactly what I needed to ground me and bring me back to the moment. There weren't a ton of other questions solely for me, but there were plenty for Jensen and even a good handful for both of us.

As the panel wound down to a close, I found myself actually wishing it could go on longer as we joked and told stories prompted by the reactions of the audience and some fans' questions. However, all too soon, Rich and Rob were coming out with the band and they were inviting the last fan up while they sang the "It's the Last Question" song. When I saw who they were inviting up, I couldn't help the large grin that broke out on my face as I brought a hand up to my mouth while I laughed.

"Alright, what's your question?" Jensen asked him, handing him his microphone.

"So, I was wondering if there was an actor you both knew from previous stuff you worked on?"

Tom was wearing the glasses with a fake nose and moustache attached and used a fake accent as he asked the question.

"Actually, it's funny you ask that," Jensen joked, taking his mic back. "Because there is someone I can think of that Scarlett and I both have a connection to."

"Really?" I asked, pretending to be surprised. "I can't think of anyone like that."

"Yeah, I think he was with you in that one movie, remember?"

"Oh, yeah, the one with the thing!" I nodded. "And he was with you in that one show about that one guy, wasn't he?"

"Exactly!" Jensen grinned.

By then everyone on stage was in stitches of laughter.

"What was his name again?" I asked Jensen.

"Wasn't it Clark?"

"No, that was the name of the one guy from the show. Charlie, maybe?"

"No, that's the name of the guy from the movie," Jensen shook his head.

"Right, I remember that now," I nodded along. "Man, he tends to play a lot of characters with names that start with C, doesn't he?"

"No kidding. What letter does his name actually start with, again?"

"Wasn't it a T name? Like, Tristan?"




"Oh, wait, wait, wait, I've got it!" I snapped my fingers. "Thomas!"

"That's it," Jensen agreed as Tom took off the glasses. "How you doin', Tom?"

"I'm doing pretty good, Jay," Tom grinned. "How about you?"

"I'm awesome. It's been too long, man."

"I know, it feels like the only time we talk is on the phone these days."

"Yeah, no kidding."

"Oh, who am I? Chopped liver?" I grumbled into the mic, earning a laugh from the audience.

"It's good to see you too, Scar," Tom winked at me, standing up to give me a hug.

"Tom Welling, everybody!" Jensen addressed the audience finally.

There was a lot of cheering and hollering and then we made our way off stage, waving at the crowd as we went.

"Seriously, though, it's been too long," Jensen told Tom once we were back in the Green Room.

"I know," Tom smiled, giving him a hug, then got a serious expression on his face. "Alright, real talk. What the hell is going on between the two of you?"

Jensen and I exchanged a look, acting like a couple of kids who had gotten caught by their parent while trying to get into the cookie jar.

"W-well, we... I mean..." I stammered.

"That is, we... um..." Jensen struggled to come up with something to say as well.

Tom crossed his arms, staring at us expectantly.

"What's going on in here?" Jared asked as he came into the room.

"Oh, you know, just your friendly interrogation," Tom told him.

Jared looked at Tom a moment, then at Jensen and my sheepish expressions and it finally clicked.

"Ooh, I'm'a go get Misha. This should be good."

He hurried back out of the room to track down the other man and Tom turned back to look at us.

"Seriously, I'm getting whiplash having to deal with you two," he grumbled. "One second you're gushing to me over the phone about how much you like the other person, and the next I'm getting calls asking how you need help because he did this or she said that. Just kiss and get together, already!"

"Honestly," Jared said as he and Misha came back into the room. "This is getting old."

"What is this, an intervention?" Jensen joked.

"Yeah, Jay, if that's what this has to be in order for you two to grow some balls and go out with each other, then this is definitely an intervention," Misha nodded.

"Our friends are ganging up against us," I stage whispered.

"It's a Friends Intervention," Jensen whispered back. "We're on our own."

"Alright, that's enough," Tom interrupted us. "No more jokes, you two have to face up to this."

"Face up to what? There's nothing to face up to," I protested.

"Scarlett, we both know that's a lie, so do yourself a favor and just accept this," Tom glared at me.

"If you guys don't suck it up and go out with each other tonight, we're going to have some real problems," Jared added.

"Go out with each other?!" Jensen exclaimed.

"Tonight?!" I asked over the top of him.

"Yeah, tonight," Misha said. "This has gone on long enough. You both like each other, that much is obvious. Plus there was that kiss that neither one of you want to acknowledge. A date is long overdue."

"But-" Jensen started.

"No buts," Tom interrupted him. "You two are going on a date tonight, you're going to talk about your feelings for each other, and then we won't have to deal with the drama any more, got it?"

Jensen and I looked at each other with matching expressions. Our eyes were wide and our mouths were parted slightly as we absorbed our friends' words.

"Alright, Jay, be ready to take her out at 9:30. I'll make sure she's ready for you by then," Tom told Jensen.

"Good talk," Jared grinned and the three of them walked out.

"That was-" I began.

"I know," Jensen nodded.

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