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I pulled the apple pie out of the oven before switching it off. Tom sat at the counter behind me waiting expectantly.

"You're telling me that you still haven't made him your famous apple pie? After I specifically told you you should?"

"The opportunity never presented itself, Tom. We were always busy filming or something and I never had enough time to bake. Plus I didn't have a kitchen to cook in."

"Bull. I bet you could have figured out a way to make your apple pie if you wanted to make your apple pie."

"See, but that's the imperative word," I pointed out. "I didn't want to make pie, so I didn't make pie."

"You are seriously depriving the man if you're seriously refusing to make him some of your famous apple pie," Tom informed me.

"And you're seriously mistaken if you think my apple pie is actually famous. It's just regular old pie."

"No, it's heaven on earth and you're delusional if you think otherwise."

"Are we seriously standing here arguing about pie right now?"

Tom shrugged, smiling back at me.

"So, how's the douchebag spending his break?"

"He's in Texas staying with the Padalecki's," I replied.

"And why didn't you join them?"

"Um, because a, I don't live in Texas, two, I wasn't invited and finally, I wanted to actually see you in person instead of just calling or texting like we've been doing for the past forever."

Tom laughed, leaning forward on the counter.

"Are you worried?" he asked once he had sobered a bit.

"About what?"

"Well, isn't Danneel in Texas with their kid?"

I turned away from him, going over to the cupboard to get plates so we could eat the pie. Honestly, when I heard that Jensen was spending time with Jared's family in Texas, it hadn't even occurred to me that Danneel and JJ would also be there.

"They're divorced, Tom. And I'm sure he won't see them while he's there. He's only in Texas for two weeks before we have to be back in Vancouver for filming."

"A lot could happen in two weeks, Scar."

"I'm not worried about it, Thomas. Would you drop it?"

"Alright. Fine. Forget I mentioned anything."

I felt my shoulders relax and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I turned back to face him.

"Eat your pie," I instructed him, placing one of the plates of the still-warm dessert in front of him.

"Yes, Ma'am," he fake saluted, picking up his fork and digging in.

It was blessedly silent for a while as we both ate our apple filled pastry, Tom helping himself to a fourth slice before I finally cut him off. I didn't really feel like talking much at the moment. My mind raced with 'what ifs'. I knew that Jensen was at Jared's house and he wasn't supposed to see Danneel or JJ during the break, but I couldn't help imagining scenarios where he ended up spending time with them anyway.

Despite the fact that he and I had gotten closer after our little outing at the end of our first week of filming, my fears and insecurities about his relationship with Danneel haunted my mind. I never would stand a chance against her. They dated for three years before being married for five. Yeah, it had its issues, but they were together for a reason and they did get a daughter out of it. Even if my worries were unfounded given that they were officially divorced now, I could never dream of competing with JJ's mother.

"Earth to Scarlett. Roger Roger."

I glanced at Tom, realizing I had zoned out.

"Where'd you go? I said your name like ten times," Tom stared back at me.

"Um... Nowhere, I was just thinking, I guess," I shrugged, taking our empty plates over to the sink.

"I haven't seen you zone out like that since you first got fired. What's going on?"

"Nothing, Tom, I'm fine."

I turned on the water to start washing the dishes and Tom came over and grabbed a towel to dry.

"You remember that picture I showed you? The one that said 'How are you?' 'Fine', but the word fine was made up of a bunch of 'not fine' words? Yeah, that's you right now. What's up with you really?"

I was silent as we did my dishes together. My mind felt like it was racing, and yet when I tried to identify one of my thoughts, I just drew a blank. It was frustrating and an issue I'd been dealing with for as long as I could remember. My mind would be full and loud with thoughts until asked to voice them. Then I wouldn't know what to say if my life depended on it.

"What?" Tom frowned as he toweled off the cup I had just handed him. "You ignoring me now?"

"What am I supposed to say?" I huffed angrily.

"Oh, I don't know. Just tell me what's going through that pretty head of yours."

"Well, when I figure that out, you'll be the first to know, I'm sure."

"Come on, Scarlett, that's not fair."

"No, you want to know what's not fair? Pining for a guy who's only long term relationship ended up in a divorce, but feeling like even though they're moving on, you still don't have a chance with him because she's the mother of his only child."


"You know, maybe if I had met him before they got married and had a kid, then I would have been able to compete with her. But even then, I still wouldn't have a snowball's chance because she's prettier than me and he probably wouldn't have given me a second glance when he could be with her instead."

"Hey, look at me," Tom demanded.

I complied, leaving the water running in the sink as I did so.

"Stop thinking like that. Never compare yourself to other people. You're beautiful the way you are and I don't want you to believe anybody who tells you differently. Jay might have married Danneel, but they aren't together anymore. Plus ever since he met you, he hasn't been able to get you out of his head. So stop thinking you don't stand a chance with him, because Scarlett, if the conversations I've had with him are any indication, you have more of a chance than anybody else in his life."

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