Dean Girl

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AN: I'm switching updates to every other day from now on. Enjoy!



I decided making Pearce laugh was my new favorite hobby. The way her face lit up as she bent over with laughter was a sight to behold. Normally, Jared and I waited a bit before we messed with our co-stars, especially if they were as new as she was. But after she commented on how serious we were during our first scene together, we immediately seized the opportunity to make her break. During our scene with just her and me, I intended to continue messing with her.

I would have done more in the bulk of the scene before she got her fake injury, but we got it all in one take before moving on, so I had to do it in the short second portion of the scene. I was supposed to still be fighting the extra for the majority of it, so I really only had one opportunity to make her break. And I delivered. Based on the assumption she had seen most of the show considering she quoted me to myself the first time we met, I decided to reference when I got attacked by Hellhounds at the end of season 3.

My efforts proved fruitful, given that by the end of my mini speech she was doubled over laughing at me. I grinned at her as the makeup crew came over to touch up her injury before we tried the take again, this time making it through without incident. I would have made it go on longer, but I could tell Phil's patience was already starting to wear down, plus I knew what a pain it was to take off fake blood and injuries.

"Alright, we're done with you two for now," Phil informed us.

Pearce hurried off before I could talk to her any more, but I didn't really blame her. I would be in a rush to get out of there, too if I had to do fake injury removal in addition to getting changed. As I made my way to my trailer to change during my break, I thought about what she had said earlier. Maybe it was time to reach out to Tom again and see what information I could weasel out of him about my new co-worker.

After showering and putting my regular clothes back on, I scrolled through my contacts until I found the one I wanted and hit call.

"Hello?" he picked up after the third ring.

"Hey, Tom," I said. "Been a while."

"Jay! How are you doing, man?"

"Pretty good, actually."

"That wouldn't have to do with a certain new star on your show, would it?"

"Now where would you get an idea like that?"

"I don't know," he joked. "But I hear she called you a douchebag."

I rolled my eyes. I should have known he would know about that, considering she said they were best friends. Don't best friends tell each other everything?

"I don't think she's referred to me as anything but a douchebag. Unless you count calling me Dean while we're filming."

I heard Tom chuckle on the other end and rolled my eyes again.

"So, what's this call really about, Jensen? Because something tells me it's not about her nickname for you."

"Yeah," I nodded even though he couldn't see it. "I was actually hoping you could answer some questions for me."


"Well, for starters, what's her first name?"

"You don't know her first name?"

"Come on, man. Would you just answer the question?"

"Well, I'm not sure if I'm at liberty to say," Tom said.


"Hey, if she hasn't told you herself, then I'm not going to betray our bond of friendship by spilling it."

I groaned, rubbing a hand down my face.

"Fine, then what can you tell me about her?"

"Why can't you just talk to her about this stuff?"

"Please?" I begged.


"Ugh. Alright, fine. Then just tell me one thing: Sam or Dean?"

"Do you really need me to answer that?" Tom inquired.

"You're really not helpful at all, you know that?" I practically growled into the phone.

"Dean, Jensen. One hundred percent Dean."

"Alrighty then. Thank you."

"You're welcome. And hey, don't be a stranger. I'm here if you ever want to talk again."

"Sounds good. Talk to you later, Tom."

"Bye, Jay."

I hung up, a big smile on my face. Tom was right, I probably should have known Pearce was a Dean Girl based on everything I had seen from her so far, but it wasn't always so cut and dry. I made my way out of my trailer and toward the Guanaco Food Truck. When I got there, Jared and Pearce were already there ordering.


"You know, it wouldn't kill you to refer to me as my actual name, Pearce."

"Oh, but where's the fun in that?" she grinned, winking at me.

"Pearce was just telling me about some of the other stuff she's been in," Jared explained, handing her her food.

"Nothing terribly exciting, I assure you," she informed me.

"You and Jared seem to be getting along fairly well," I observed.

"Yeah, well, unlike someone else I know, he's not a douchebag, so there's that."

"Why are you so convinced that I'm a douchebag?"

"Maybe because you admitted to my face that you were one."

I opened my mouth to argue with her, but couldn't form the words. She technically wasn't wrong. All she had done was quote Dean Winchester when she saw me wearing sunglasses inside. I was the one who said that that made me a douchebag.

"Anyway, Jared and I were going to go eat, so we'll see you around, Douchebag."

Jared snickered as they walked past me and I punched him in the arm as he went. I sent a cursory glance over the menu before deciding I wasn't actually that hungry and leaving without getting anything. As I walked, I thought over every interaction I had had with the new co-star. I was determined to get through at least one conversation where I actually learned something about her instead of arguing with her before she called me a douchebag and left. The only conversations we had had where that didn't happen, were the scripted ones between Dean and Faith.

Giving a huff, I made my way back to my trailer to make a plan.

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