The First Scene

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I got to the set after directing the new girl to wardrobe. I had had her stuck in my head since the audition, and couldn't believe she was the one they had cast as Dean's love interest. Without the hindrance of sunglasses, I could actually make out some of the features I hadn't at the audition. She had brownish-blonde hair that fell to just below her shoulders and hazel eyes that sparkled when she talked. I hadn't been totally truthful when I said I hadn't caught her name. I had heard Andrew call her Miss Pearce before she left, but wanted to know her first name so I had tried to coax it out of her.

Instead of giving it, she called me a douchebag. Again. That made four times total if you counted the Dean quote as calling me a douchebag. It was strangely liberating to have someone call me out like she did after going through everything I did with Dani. I took a seat to wait for shooting to begin and pulled out my phone to check my email. A few minutes later, laughter carried over to my place and I glanced up.

Jared was talking to Pearce and they were both in fits of laughter as they made their way on set. I couldn't help but stare at her, taking in every detail I could. She had two rows of perfectly white teeth that made an appearance when she laughed and her hazel eyes twinkled more than ever, smile lines crinkling at the edges. As they got closer, I also noticed her nose wrinkled slightly when she smiled as well. It was honestly one of the most adorable things I'd ever seen.

"Hello, Douchebag," she greeted me as they came to a stop.

I noticed Jared hiding a snicker behind his hand.

"I have a name, you know," I told her.

"Oh, I know. Tom says hi, by the way."


"Welling," she smirked as if it should have been obvious.

"You know Tom?"

"Best friends, actually. You can thank him for me auditioning."

"I... what?"

"I've turned down basically every audition my agent has thrown my way for nearly a year. Tom talked me into taking this one, so you can go ahead and thank him for me auditioning."

I just gaped at her, unsure how to respond to the new information. Admittedly, I hadn't talked to Tom in a while. We used to call and text all the time, especially while we worked together on Smallville. We even kept it up for a while after I left to film season 1 of Supernatural, but as the years wore on, we slowly fell out of touch. It was just my luck that the girl who they cast just happened to be "best friends" with him.

"Ackles. Padalecki. Pearce. Places!" someone called out.

Spinning on her heel, Pearce skipped over to the fake hospital we'd be filming our first scene in.

"I love her already," Jared grinned at me.

"Eh," I grunted, making my way to my mark.

Pearce was already in place, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she waited for Jared and I to be ready. She was wearing faded jeans and a pretty forest green top that brought out the green in her hazel eyes as well as a pair of heeled boots. She was spinning her prop gun in one hand while she waited for Phil to call action. Jared and I both had prop guns of our own. Jared was the last to his mark.

"Cameras rolling. And... action!"

I glanced over my shoulder, making a motion at Jared to move around the corner where Pearce was waiting for us. Silently, we moved together, guns at the ready. As we rounded the corner, Pearce jumped out, pointing her own gun at us.

"Whoa, there!" I said, voice slightly gruffer as I slipped into Dean mode.

"Who are you?" she asked, moving her gun from me to Jared and back.

"We could ask you the same question," I returned.

"I don't have to tell you anything."

"Okay," Jared spoke up. "Okay, let's just put the guns down a moment so we can talk. Alright?"

Hesitation flickered across Pearce's features before she slowly lowered her gun. After giving me a pointed look, Jared did the same with his own gun and after another beat, I followed suit, slipping the gun into the waistband of my pants.

"Alright, now that that's done, you want to tell us who you are?" Jared continued.

"I asked you first," Pearce said stubbornly.

"Yeah. Yeah, fine. I'm Sam. This is my brother Dean."

Pearce studied us both a moment before she opened her mouth to speak.

"Williams," she said.

"You got a first name?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I do."

"Which is...?"

"Something you have to earn," she smirked at me.

I swallowed, glaring back at her. The irony of the words wasn't lost on me, even if they were scripted.

"Alright, Williams," Jared said, drawing her attention to him. "You want to explain what you're doing in this hospital?"

"I'm tracking something," came her cryptic reply.

"Tracking something?"

"Yeah. Three days ago, I picked up on some weird activity in the area. I traced it here."

"What do you mean, weird activity?"

"I don't expect you two to understand," she rolled her eyes. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've wasted enough time talking to you as it is."

She pushed past Jared and I, but I shot out a hand, latching onto her elbow.

"You're crazy if you think we're going to let you go off by yourself," I told her.

"Trust me, Dean, I'm a big girl. I can handle myself."

She pulled her arm out of my grasp, and before Jared or I could say anything else, she rounded the corner we had just come from.

"Cut!" Phil yelled.

Pearce came back around the corner, twirling a piece of her hair around a finger. She had gotten it curled in soft ringlets when she went to hair and makeup, and it suited her. The makeup ladies had also gone with a more natural look on her.

"Not bad, Pearce," I smirked at her.

"Not so bad yourself, Douchebag," she grinned. "Though, I'm a little surprised."

"Why's that?"

"For all the hype, you two were way more serious than I expected you to be."

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