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I had heard plenty of stories about what a nightmare it was to shoot with Jensen and Jared. The pair were notorious for messing things up while filming. So when we got through the entire first scene with the three of us without incident, I was a bit surprised. After Phil called 'cut' after the take, I made sure to voice this fact.

"We were too serious for you?" Jensen smirked at me.

Before I could respond, Phil called for us to take it from the top. We all moved back to our starting positions and waited for Phil to call action before starting the scene over again. As the boys rounded the corner, I jumped out from my hiding place, pointing my gun at Jensen. It took everything I could not to break upon seeing his face.

"Whoa, there!" he delivered his first line.

"Who are you?" I barely managed to get out.

"We could ask you the same question," he shot back, adding an unscripted wink.

I could feel my cheeks heating up, and my mind went blank. I knew I basically asked for this by mentioning that they had actually managed to get through the first take without messing anything up.

"Cut!" Phil yelled.

We reset the scene once more, this time managing to get through all of Jensen and my opening lines. However, when it came to where Jared was supposed to suggest we all put our guns down to talk, we were forced to start over again as he made his voice come out higher than normal and I actually laughed a little. By the seventh take, I had all but given up hope of getting through the entire scene again.

"What was that you were saying about us being way too serious?" Jensen grinned at me after Phil called cut for the umpteenth time.

"Shut up, Douchebag," I muttered, cheeks still burning.

"Alright, let's try this one more time, and actually get through it this time," Phil announced, sounding tired.

I seriously doubted that it would happen, but we actually did make it to the end of the scene that time. Finally, they announced that we were done with the scene and I made my way off the fake hospital set.

"Ackles and Pearce, we need you to stick around. Padalecki, you're free to go," Phil informed us.

I took a seat, pulling out my phone as I waited for the crew to set up for the next scene. I was vaguely aware of Jensen pulling up his chair and sitting next to me as I checked my text messages. Tom had texted, wanting to know how my first day on set was going.

Tom Welling-ton:
how's everything going?

Scarlett Pieces:
good. J2 already have made
me break with their shenanigans.

Tom Welling-ton:
lol so jensen's not being a
douchebag anymore?

Scarlett Pieces:
i never said that lol

Tom Welling-ton:
wait, so he is being a

Scarlett Pieces:
yeah ig

Tom Welling-ton:
i'm confused... is he or
isn't he???

Scarlett Pieces:
idk... it's complicated ig

Tom Welling-ton:
grl, y u got 2 be so confusing?

Scarlett Pieces:
i'm sorry... i have to get back.
they need to shoot one more scene
with me and the douchebag.

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