First Day on Set

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I couldn't believe it. I had quoted Jensen Fricking Ackles to Jensen Fricking Ackles, read for the part, called him a douchebag, and walked out. And now I was sitting inside a trailer on the set of Supernatural. It was a small trailer, about half the size of Jensen and Jared's, but it was all mine. I thought for sure I wouldn't get the part, given how Jensen and I interacted before and after my audition, but two days later, I got a call from Eric Kripke himself telling me that they loved me and wanted me on the show.

Of course, Tom wanted to know all the juicy details since he was the one who had convinced me to follow through with the audition in the first place. We sat on my couch in my apartment as I recounted everything that happened from the moment I walked through the door to when I left. He couldn't believe I had called Jensen a douchebag to his face. Two days later, after learning I had actually gotten the part, I immediately called him up to tell him the news.

Three weeks later, I was on a flight to Vancouver to start filming for the season premiere, promising Tom that if the opportunity arose, I'd tell Jensen hi from him. As I was scrolling through recommended articles on my phone, I came across one about Jensen's ex-wife, Danneel Harris. It was no secret that the couple had been going through some hard times the past five years and from the looks of the headline of the article, the divorce was finalized a few weeks ago. I wasn't sure how to react, honestly.

Part of me was glad he was no longer with her, because that meant that I might have a sliver of a chance with him like Tom kept saying. However, he had been with her for several years before getting married, and regardless of how rocky the marriage was, five years was still a long time. Not to mention they had had a daughter together. Plus there was the whole "Douchebag" deboggle at the audition.

A knock at my trailer door pulled me away from my phone, and I threw it down on the couch before going to answer it. One of the PA's I hadn't learned the name of was standing there wearing a headset and carrying a clipboard in one hand.

"Miss Pearce, they need you in wardrobe to get ready for your first scene," she informed me.

"Oh. Right, of course. I'll be there soon," I nodded.

The PA just nodded, saying something into her headset as she walked away. Sighing, I went over and grabbed my phone off the couch before exiting my trailer to go on a hunt for wardrobe. I probably should have asked the PA before she left where I was supposed to go, but she had walked off before I could even think to do so. As I was wandering, I rounded a corner and ran into something solid, stumbling back. A strong hand immediately grabbed onto my elbow to keep me from falling on my butt.

"Watch where you're going."

My heart stopped in my chest as I heard the voice. Looking up, I locked onto a pair of impossibly green eyes.

"Douchebag," I found myself saying.

"Oh, it's you," Jensen smirked.

He was in full Dean getup, complete with hair and makeup.

"I take it this means they liked you, then?"

"I'm here aren't I?"

"That you are," he chuckled.

I swallowed hard, willing myself not to blush so badly as my stomach flipped at the sound. For all the time I spent watching and listening to him on screen, hearing him in real life was a different experience entirely. Words couldn't begin to describe the effect his deep baritone had on me.

"Not lost are you?" that voice cut through my thoughts.

"I was actually looking for wardrobe," I muttered.

Jensen smirked, telling me I was on the right track and that if I kept in the direction I was going I'd hit it eventually. Mumbling a thank you, I pushed past him to leave when his hand darted out to stop me again.

"I never caught your name," he stared at me expectantly.

"I never threw it. See you on set, Douchebag."

Pulling my arm away, I continued my path, eventually coming to a trailer labeled "Wardrobe" on the door. My heart was still thudding in my chest. I couldn't believe that instead of just giving him my name like he wanted, I called him a douchebag again and walked off. As I entered the trailer, I pinched the bridge of my nose, shaking my head.

"Everything okay?" a familiar voice asked.

I opened my eyes, looking over to see Jared Padalecki slipping on a jacket over a layer of flannel.

"Peachy," I mumbled.

"You're the new girl, right? The one playing Faith?"

"That would be me."

"I gotta hand it to you, calling Jay out at the audition like that."

"H-he told you about that?"

Jared laughed, brown eyes twinkling down at me.

"Oh yeah," he nodded. "Misha and I both got an earful."

I felt my blush returning full force. To my credit, I should have known that Jensen would tell his two closest friends from set about the auditions. I mean, I did basically the same thing telling Tom. I just didn't expect to actually have one of them bring it up to my face.

"Let's get you in costume, dear," one of the wardrobe ladies said to me.

I could only nod, trying to hide my blush as I waited for her to locate my outfit.

"You're done," another lady told Jared.

"Hey, want me to wait for you? We can head to hair and makeup together?"

"Sure, that'd be great," I nodded as the lady who had first addressed me handed me my costume.

As soon as I had changed, I followed the giant moose of a man out of the trailer and to one nearby that was labeled for hair and makeup.

"You haven't talked to him since then, have you?" Jared asked me as we walked.

"I actually ran into him on the way to wardrobe," I admitted.

"And how'd that go?"

"Well, I called him a douchebag two more times, so there's that."

He laughed, holding the door of the trailer open for me before following me inside.

"You didn't."

"Oh, but I did. It was the first thing that left my mouth when I ran into him, and then when I was walking away, he stopped me and said he never caught my name. I responded by saying I never threw it and then said, and I quote, 'see you on set, Douchebag.'"

I was grinning by the end of my story and Jared's shoulders were shaking with laughter.

"Man, you might be the best thing to happen to this set," he managed to get out through his giggles.

"I'm sure that's not true."

"Trust me, it is. Jay hasn't been like this since before he and Dani were married."

I didn't respond since I was getting my makeup done on one side of the trailer while Jared was getting his hair touched up on the other side. After a few more minutes, we swapped chairs. We continued talking until it was time for both of us to make our way to the set.

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