I Miss You

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I was smiling as I hung up the phone. Having Jensen tease me, even if it was on the phone instead of in person, was like coming up for air after diving underwater and seeing how long you could hold your breath without passing out. When he had called me out after I told him I was fine, I didn't know how to respond. It made me think back to the conversation I had had with Tom over break when he told me that Jensen couldn't stop thinking about me. 

After he had disclosed that information to me, he had made me swear not to tell Jensen that he told, because apparently Jensen had disclosed that nugget of information in confidence and it was never meant to get back to me. I also learned that both Jared and Misha had had similar conversations about me with the douchebag in question. My mind remained blank as I tried to think of something to say until I heard Jensen's tone get a lot gentler as he addressed someone else and then I made out the small voice that could only be JJ talk back to him.

Suddenly finding my voice, I told him we'd talk later, which he informed me he'd hold me to before I hung up on him. Switching back over to my texts with Tom, I simply sent the words 'thank you' before slipping my phone in my pocket. I exited my trailer to go on a search for Misha. I decided I wanted to go out with the group that night instead of staying home and moping around my motel room like I had been every night since I heard Jensen wouldn't be back on set for a while.

I eventually tracked him down in Jared's trailer where the two were watching a movie.

"Scarlett!" Jared grinned at me. "How's it going?"

"Good. Misha told me there was a group going out after filming tonight."

"Does this mean you want to come?" Misha asked, eyes glued to the screen.

"Yeah, I think so. Sorry for snapping at you earlier, by the way," I apologized.

Jared grabbed the remote, pausing the movie.

"You seem different. What happened?"

"What do you mean, I seem different?" I asked, taken aback slightly.

"You've been in a bad mood for days, and now you're all chipper again. What changed?"

"I don't know... I just got off the phone with Jensen, but-"

"Well that explains it," Misha cut me off, grinning.

"What? No, you cannot seriously blame this on that," I protested. "If I seem different, it doesn't have anything to do with me talking to Jensen."

The boys looked at each other before turning their gaze back to me.


"You're joking, right? Scarlett, as soon as you heard that Jensen wouldn't be coming back to set for a while, you got super grumpy and the only time we have seen you act any different is when you're shooting a scene. Now after one phone call with him, you're acting like your normal bubbly self again. How do we not blame this on you talking to Jensen?"

I opened my mouth to negate Jared's words, but couldn't form the sounds to make the argument come out. I felt my cheeks heating up and I crossed my arms over my chest in indignation.

"Shut up," I mumbled.

They both grinned at me, taking my reaction as a win on their part.

"So, the responsible thing would be to not let you drink tonight, correct?" Misha asked me.

"I can handle one drink, Misha."

"Yes, but who goes out and only has one drink?"

"Hello, I'm Scarlett Nicole Pearce, notorious lightweight since 2003."

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