Part 6

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3rd person's POV:

Y/n is 16 month old, she was running around the house while Nanami chase after her. "Y/n." Nanami called as he chased Y/n, Y/n giggled while running away from Nanami. Y/n stopped making Nanami stopped behind her, she slowly fell on all four and crawled under the dining table. She lean her back against the wall and covered her mouth with her tiny hands.

Nanami pretended to look around for Y/n while calling out her name. "Y/n, where are you? Come out, come out, where ever you are." Nanami said. Y/n giggled when she saw Nanami's legs walked passed her. Nanami walked away from the dining table and crouched down behind the counter. Y/n peaked her head out and look around, "Ni-chan?" She said.

She stood up bumping her head against the table. "Ah! Ow!" She said as she hold her head. Y/n bent down while still holding her bumped head. Nanami saw this and covered his mouth, 'Cute!' Nanami thought. Y/n took small steps and exited the dining table. "Ni-chan?" She said.

She walked around the kitchen and turned a corner. Nanami heard her footsteps closing in. When Nanami saw Y/n he jump scared her. Y/n flinched and slapped Nanami's face. Nanami hold his face and laughed at Y/n's cuteness. "Ni-chan hurt." Y/n said. She walked toward Nanami and hugged him, Nanami hugged back and give Y/n kisses on her cheeks.

Nanami checked he's watch on his wrist, "Oh, it's almost time for your shot." Nanami said. Y/n who doesn't understand what Nanami said but do understand the word 'shot'. "Nooo." Y/n whined as she pushed Nanami's face away from her. "What do you mean no? You need to get the shot or else you'll get sick." Nanami said.

Nanami let go of Y/n and Y/n run away again. She run into Nanami's room, she look around to find a place to hide. She walked toward Nanami's closet and tries to opened it. She struggled to opened the heavy door. Nanami arrived at his room and Y/n was still struggling to opened the door.

Nanami lean against the doorway as observed Y/n. Y/n turned her head and saw Nanami. "Nooo!!" She whined and crawled under the bed. Nanami chuckled, he walked toward his bed and crouched down. "Y/n." Nanami called. "No." Y/n said. Nanami grabbed Y/n's favourite doll and showed it to Y/n.

"(Doll name.)" Y/n said. She crawled out and grabbed her doll. Nanami carried Y/n as Y/n wiggled around. "Noo!" Y/n whined. She accidentally hit Nanami's eyes with her doll. Nanami closed his eyes in pain as he gripped tightly on Y/n, not letting her go.

"Ni-chan hurt!" Y/n said, she dropped her doll and cupped Nanami's cheeks with her hands. Nanami opened his eyes and saw Y/n's eyes got teary. "Ni-chan is fine, Y/n. I'm fine." Nanami said. He put Y/n on the bed and grabbed her doll and gave it to Y/n.

Nanami grabbed a set of clothes for Y/n and helped her change. Nanami gaved Y/n her back which has a leash behind it and a harness. Since Y/n always like to run around, Nanami had to buy it to keep her safe.

Y/n stand on her tippy toes and grabbed the doorknob. She pulls it down and pushed the door opened. She quickly walked out but got pulled back by Nanami. Nanami locked his door as Y/n kept on pulling her bag. "Be patient, Y/n." Nanami said. Y/n walked forward as Nanami followed behind while he holds onto the leash.

They entered the elevator and Y/n pushed the ground floor button. They went down and exited the elevator. They both walked toward the train station and bought their tickets. They waited for the train to come, "Ni-chan. What that?" Y/n asked as she points at the moving train. "That is a train." Nanami said.

"Rain." Y/n said. "No, not rain. Train. T-rain." Nanami said. "Rain." Y/n said, suddenly it started to rain heavily. "... What a coincidence." Nanami said. Y/n run toward Nanami and hugged his leg. "Ni-chan, scare." Y/n whimpered as she clutched onto Nanami's pants. Nanami kneeled down and carried Y/n in his arms.

The train arrived and Nanami get in, he took a seat while Y/n still clutched onto Nanami's shirt. Nanami patted Y/n's back to comfort her. They arrived and get off. Nanami look out and the weather was sunny, "Y/n, it's okay now. It's not raining anymore." Nanami said. Y/n turned her head and look around, "You want to walk?" Nanami asked, Y/n nodded.

Nanami put Y/n down and hold the leash. A cat who passing by them both caught Y/n's attention, Nanami walked to the left while Y/n walked to the right following the cat. They both were pulled back by the leash. "Y/n, is this way." Nanami said. "Neko. (cat)" Y/n said and pointed at the cat walking away.

Nanami carried Y/n and walked toward the clinic. He entered and took off he's and Y/n's shoes. He put Y/n down and put the leash in her bag. Nanami registered Y/n's name as Y/n walked around as kids played with the toys the clinic have prepared.

Y/n look around, a boy walked toward her and hands her his toys. Y/n smiled and they started to play together. Nanami took a newspaper and sat down. Y/n was playing with the other kids. She felt uncomfortable comfortable wearing the bag while playing. She wiggled around as she tries to take off her bag

She took off her bag, her hair and shirt was a mess, she grabbed her bag and dragged it toward Nanami. "Ni-chan!" Y/n called. Nanami look up to Y/n, before he could say anything, Y/n throw her bag at Nanami. Nanami catched it and put it beside him. Y/n run off to play with the kids. Nanami's eyes followed her, seeing Y/n smile and being happy makes him happy.

"Nanami Y/n, please go to room 3." The nurse said. Nanami put the newspaper down and grabbed Y/n's bag. "Y/n time to go." Nanami said as he held out his hand. Y/n shaked her head. "I'll leave you here and I'll go. Bye." Nanami said as he walked toward room 3. Y/n immediately put all her toys down and run toward Nanami.

They entered the room as Y/n sat on Nanami's lap while the doctor checked her. Y/n backed up as far as she can when the doctor tried to checked her heartbeat. The doctor, nurse and Nanami chuckled. "Can i check your pulse, Nanami-chan?" The doctor asked. Y/n shaked her head.

The nurse took out a toy and gave it to Y/n. Y/n refused, she turned around and hugged Nanami. After a few struggles and convinces, they were able to give Y/n her shot. Nanami walked out with Y/n in his arms, Y/n hold her arm which a pink plaster was stick on it. She whined and clutched onto Nanami's shirt.

"Ni-chan bad. Meanie." Y/n said with a pout. "Ni-chan will buy you juice box if you give ni-chan a kiss." Nanami said. "Juice box?" Y/n asked as she look up with sparkling eyes. Nanami nodded. Y/n kissed Nanami's cheek, "Now juice box!" Y/n demanded as she points forward. Nanami chuckled as they entered a convenience store and buy some juice box for Y/n.

Naoya saw Nanami walked out from the convenience store with Y/n in his arm, smiling. Naoya didn't believe it at first, he thought it might be coincidence. But when Nanami called Y/n's name, he knew that it wasn't a coincidence anymore. After months of searching his niece, he have finally founded her.

End of Chapter 6

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