Part 17

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3rd person's POV:

Yuji, Ijichi, Nanami and Y/n were in a room discussing about Junpei. Y/n was sitting on chair with her doll beside her. In her hand was a juice box, her feet dangled from the chair as she swings back and forth.

"Could you three investigate Junpei Yoshino?" Nanami asked. Yuji and Ijichi salute at Nanami. "Eh?! Three?!" Y/n panicked. "Y/n, i can't bring you to a dangerous place. It's for your own good and safety." Nanami said. Y/n jumped down from her seat and run to Nanami, she wrapped her arms tightly around his left leg.

"Nooo!!! Don't leave mee!!" Y/n begged. "Y/n, i can't bring you with me this time. Please understand." Nanami said and patted her head. "Noooo!!!! I don't wanna leave nii-chan! Nii-chan might get hurt!" Y/n cried and buried the face in Nanami's pants.

"Ijichi, I'm trusting you with her. Please take good care of her." Nanami said. "Don't worry! I will protect her." Ijichi said. Nanami picked Y/n up and kissed her forehead as she continued sobbing. "Please don't leave me... You promise me...." Y/n begged.

"I'm not leaving you, Y/n. Nii-chan need to do some work and it's dangerous so i can't bring you along." Nanami explained. "But! I'm strong!" Y/n said. Nanami kissed her cheek and handed her to Ijichi.

Nanami went over to her doll and grabbed it. He walked to Y/n and gave her the doll, she gripped tightly on it's arm. Yuji and Ijichi exited the room and walked down the stairs.

Y/n jumped off Ijichi and landed on her feet. "Y/n!" Ijichi called. She run back up the stairs and entered the room. "Nii-chan!" Y/n yelled at Nanami. "Kiss! Kiss!" Y/n demanded with teary eyes but angry face.

Nanami smiled and kneeled down. He cupped Y/n's cheeks and kissed her forehead then wiped her tears away. Y/n kissed Nanami's forehead and run out to Ijichi.


Y/n, Yuji and Ijichi got in the car and drove to Junpei's location. Y/n was still sobbing and no matter how many times they tried to comfort her, nothing works. So they stopped by a ice cream shop and got Y/n a ice cream which stopped her cries. Once she stops crying, they continued their work.

They exited the car, Ijichi holds Y/n hand while Yuji holds the flyheads which are caged up with talisman around it's bar.

They followed Junpei and founded a street where there's less people. "Get ready, Itadori-kun." Ijichi whispered and opened the cage door. "Wait, someone's coming!" Yuji whispered and points down the street. "Eh?!" Ijichi said as the two flyheads escaped.

Yuji runs after one while Ijichi grabbed Y/n's hand and dragged her. Her ice cream fell out from her hand as Ijchi run after the flyhead. Ijichi saw a butterfly net and quickly grabbed it. "Y/n, come on." Ijichi said and run after the flyhead with the butterfly net as Y/n followed behind. He swings the butterfly but missed the flyhead. "Wait!" Ijichi yelled.


Ijichi and Y/n were in the car while Yuji went over to Junpei's house. Y/n was sleeping peacefully on the backseat of the car while hugging her doll.

Nanami called Ijichi and Ijichi panicked. "He called earlier than i expected!" Ijichi panicked and picked up the phone. "Yes, I'm sorry." He quickly apologized. Nanami hummed in confusion but pushed it aside.

"How's Y/n?" He asked. "She's sleeping." Ijichi said. "Good. I sent you my location just now, please pick me up. I'll go back to Jujutsu High School and find Ms. Ieiri for treatment." Nanami said. Ijichi turned his head to check Y/n and see that she's still sleeping. He turned back in front. "Treatment?" He asked. "I'm okay. It's not fatal. Don't tell Y/n about this, she'll get upset." Nanami said.

"That's great. I'll meet up with Itadori first and meet you after." Ijichi said. "Aren't you together?" Nanami asked. Ijichi sweatdropped and look up. 'I'm such a fool.' He thought.


Y/n was laying on the bed in the i infirmary while Nanami gets his wounds heal by Shouko. Nanami took of his cloth and showed Shouko his wound. "Ouch. That's gonna hurt." Shouko said and began to heal Nanami with her techniques.

Y/n woke up, she sat up and rubbed her eyes while hugging her doll. She lifts her head and saw Shouko was healing Nanami. She saw some cotton soaked blood on the table and immediately thought it was Nanami's. Her eyes widened at the cotton soaked blood.

"Nii-chan!" She yelled and jumps off the bed. "Y/n, you're awake." Nanami said. Y/n run to Nanami and stood in front of him. "Are you hurt?! Who hurt nii-chan?! Who?!" Y/n panicked as black flames began to surrounds her body.

"Ms. Ieiri, please hurry up." Nanami said. "I'm almost done." Shouko said and fully healed Nanami. Nanami kneeled down and cupped Y/n's cheeks which stops her anger. The black flames slowly fade away and Y/n look up into Nanami's brown eyes.

"Calm down, Y/n. Nii-chan is fine. Ms. Ieiri already healed my wounds." Nanami said and caressed her cheeks with his thumbs.

Y/n reached her arms out and wrapped them around Nanami's neck. She nuzzled her face into Nanami's neck. Nanami wrapped his arms around her and gently pat her back. "Were you worried?" Nanami asked. Y/n nodded and buried her face deep into Nanami's neck, her arms hugged his neck tightly.

She doesn't want let go. She's afraid of letting him go. She's afraid of losing him. She's afraid that he might abandon her. She doesn't care about anything or anyone, she only cares for Nanami. And that's why she'd do anything to keep him out from harm.

"I love you, nii-chan." Y/n muffled. "I love you, too, Y/n." Nanami said and kissed her head.

The only person that can control her was Nanami, her big brother.

End of Chapter 17

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