Part 28

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3rd person's POV:

"Nooooo!!!! Bring me with you!!!!" Y/n whined as she clinged onto Nanami's leg. Gojo grabbed her armpits and tried to pulled her away from Nanami. "Nooo!!!!" She whined. "Y/n, please let go. I'm running late for the train." Nanami said and patted her head.

"Never!" She yelled and wrapped her arms and legs around his leg. "If you need to run then you'll have to bring me along!" Y/n shouted at Nanami.

"Hey, Y/n! Look! I got a juice box~" Gojo said and showed her a juice box in his hand. Y/n blow raspberry at Gojo and smooched her face against Nanami's leg. "Well that's the first tine i saw her rejecting a juice box." Nanami said.

Megumi summoned a rabbit as it hopped passed Nanami and Y/n. Y/n look up and saw the rabbit hopping around. The rabbit then hoped and stopped between Gojo's legs.

"Bunny!" She said and stood up. She run to the rabbit as Nanami quickly run away. Y/n turned around when she heard Nanami's shoes clicked against the floor. When she turned, he was long gone. "Nooo!!!" She cried and run out but Gojo caught by her armpits.

"Let go!!!" She yelled and kicked around Gojo grips. "Megumi, you better summoned more rabbits!" Gojo yelled. Megumi put his hands together and summoned a colony of rabbits. Y/n stopped kicking around and look down.

Gojo put her down as the rabbits begin to surround her. She grinned widely and squatted down. "Bunny!" She yelled, scooping some rabbits and hugging them tightly.

Some rabbits disappeared leaving only three rabbits. The rabbits hopped out from Y/n's hug and hopped their way to the training field as Y/n followed behind. "Good job, Megumi-chan!" Gojo praised Megumi and ruffled his hair. Megumi hissed at Gojo and slapped his hand away.


Gojo bring the first years and Y/n out for a mission trip. Y/n was in Gojo's arms since she can't hold his hand. They arrived at an abandoned school and Gojo put Y/n down.

The first years entered the abandoned school and split up. Gojo is outside looking after Y/n.

Suddenly, a snake-like curse fly toward Gojo from his right side. Gojo smirked and turned to his right, facing the flying curse. "Y/n, wanna see something cool?" Gojo asked and gathered his curse energy on his index finger.

"Cursed Technique Reversal: Red." Gojo said and shoot his cursed technique at the curse. The red energy ball fly through the curse, destroying everything in it's path. The curse fell down and slide toward Gojo then stopped right in front of his foot.

"Cool right?" Gojo said and turned his head. "Y/n." He called and turned his head around to not find her. He run around the school compound and around the street but didn't find her.

The first years finished exorcist the curse and founded their teacher running around with panic expression. "Y/n's gone!" Gojo said before his students ask him any questions.

They all split up as Gojo look from above. Nothing. They didn't find her, not even her belongings.


Y/n was picking up flowers, she followed the long line of flowers that lead her into a forest. When she reached the last flower she look around and realized she was lost.

She dropped the flowers and run around the forest to find an exit but failed to. She was about to use her curses to help her when a voice called her.

"Y/n." A male voice called. Y/n turned her head and saw Geto. Her guards immediately went up, she glare at him and backed up. "Don't be scare. I'm not gonna hurt you. You're lost right? Let me help you get out." Geto said and offered out his hand.

Y/n shaked her head and keep backing until her back hit a tree. Geto pouted and put his hands in his robe pocket then kneeled down to her eye level. He held out his hand with a small cute curse on his palm.

The curse jumped off Geto's palm and fly toward Y/n. It landed on her head as Y/n look up at it with curiosity. The curse fly off from her head and toward the trap Geto have set up.

Y/n followed the curse with her hands raised up to catch the curse. When she step on the trap, a metal cage made out from curses appear under she and trapping her. The cage was wrapped with talismans which unable her to use her techniques.

Geto shirked the cage as Y/n shirk as well. Once the cage was the size of Geto's palm, he took the cage and put it in his pocket.

When Gojo told Nanami that they couldn't find Y/n, Nanami grabbed Gojo's collar and slammed his back against the wall. "I trusted you." He growled. "I'm sorry." Was all Gojo can say.

Nanami lets go of Gojo and went back home. Once the door closed behind him, him smashed everything in his house. He punched the wall until his fist bleed. "Damnit! Damnit! Damnit!" He shouted.

He sat down on his couch and gripped his blonde hair. "Did i do the wrong decision?! Now, Y/n is gone... What am i going to do?!" He muttered. He bit his lower lips until it bleeds. "Fuck!" He swear and kicked the coffee in front of him.

He have failed to protect the one he loved most.

*At the Zenin's House.*

Naoya was in the garden sipping tea as a group of sorcerer trained in front of him. A servant walked up to him and bowed down. "Master Naoya, Y/n is kidnapped." He said as sweat rolled down his forehead. "What?!" Naoya growled and gripped the tea cup until it break.

The ceramic parts fell down and hit the group, breaking up into more pieces. "I thought i told to keep an close eye at her." Naoya said, he stood up and glare at the servant. The servant didn't respond. Naoya kneeled down and grabbed the sharp ceramic.

With one swift action, he sliced the servant's neck. He dropped the sharp ceramic and walked away as the servant flopped on the floor and die from blood lost.

"I want a groups of second grade sorcerer to find her! Now!" Naoya commanded. The second grades run and gets ready. They went out and run around to find Y/n.

*In Sukuna's domain*

"Should i join as well?... No. I'll sit here and wait. Wait until that guy die and i will convince her to be my little maid." Sukuna said. When Yuji was in his room alone, Sukuna switched their bodies by force.

"Uraume." Sukuna called. Uraume appeared in front of Sukuna and kneeled down. "Find Y/n and keep a close eye on her." Sukuna ordered. Uraume nodded and vanished. He turned his head and look out at the moon. "It'll be a massacre and all death will be cause by you, Y/n. But don't worry, I'll be there for you." Sukuna said and grinned widely.

End of Chapter 28

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End of Chapter 28

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