Kuma & Zeldah.

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Tobio Kageyama

On my insistence, I helped Kuma take in the bags. I wheeled out a luggage cart, and stacked the bags into it.

What he would not let me do was push it.

"Tobio, you'll drop everything." he sighed, pushing my arms away and steering it himself.

He rolled it down the smooth stone walking path and up the low ramp to the front door.

I didn't realize I had stopped walking until Kuma called out to me.

"Tobio, are you alright?" He asked. "Because you aren't moving anymore,"

"I think so?" I said, but it came out as more of a question. Kuma quickly pushed the cart through the doorway before returning to my side.

He dug in his pocket and held out a caramel hard candy.

My favorite.

I snatched it up, and tore off the wrapper before putting it in my mouth.

"Christ, don't choke on it!" he exclaimed, chuckling at the way my mood had shifted after the candy. "I'm sure Zeldah has more," he said as he led me inside.

I perked up in excitement.

"Your wife is here?" I asked, unabashedly giddy.

"The one and only," he supplied, shaking his head as I practically vibrated with excitement.

we stepped into the entrance hall to find Natsu and Shoyo having a handstand contest.

My boyfriend was losing.

To save him the embarrassment, I grabbed him around the waist, and he folded himself over my shoulder, laughing and pretending to be annoyed.

"Put me doooown!" he howled, softly pummeling my chest. "I was totally winning," He peeked up at me, trying to see if I bought it.

I did not.

Neither did Natsu, but instead of yelling at him she just huffed and walked away, saying something about a cheater.

Sho climbed off of me like I was his personal jungle gym before holding me at arms length and examining me.

"Kageyama, are you okay? I got off of you because you're sort of shaking," He said, staring hard at my face.

I hadn't even noticed until he pointed it out.

"Not really," I said honestly, shifting my weight from foot to foot. "Not until I see the Satos,"

"Satos as in Zeldah Sato and her family?" he questioned, and I perked up again.

"Yeah, have you met Zelly already?" I asked, guiding him over to the finger foods.

"Yep! She was the one who made these matcha beignets. Tobio, they are so delicious. Like, obnoxiously tasty."

"Right? So much better then the ones from Bloom Cafe, but I hate it here so..." I let my voice drop off as I inhaled a beignet.

Way to kill the mood, Tobio.

"Bio?" A feminine voice called, and I turned just in time to watch her run towards me. I smiled as Zeldah's honey-brown plait rippled behind her.

She tackled me in a fierce hug, before inspecting me. This time, I made sure not to react when she touched my arms.

The last thing I wanted was for Zeldah to worry about me.

"Why are you here Bio?" she asked me softly as she ruffled my hair. "Itsuki and Suzume decided not to stop here! Shelby told me that Kuma told you! Do I need to beat him up for causing you unnecessary stress?" she asked, raising her fist in mock threat. I laughed, waving her off the attack.

"No, no, he did! No need to hurt your husband," I cried.

"Husband!?" Shoyo gaped. "Ms. Zel, Mr. Kuma is your husband?"

"As well as the father of 4 kids," she smiled genially. Shoyo pinched his eyebrows before speaking again.

"I thought only have 3..?"

"Tobio is my son." Zeldah deadpanned.

"I am indeed her son. This is most definitely my mother." I said with equal seriousness. He laughed before peering at the two of us.

"You two could be twins," he joked.

"We get that all the time," She replied, knowing full-well that that was ludicrous.

Zeldah was a pretty tall black woman with toffee colored skin, honey colored brown curls, dark brown eyes, and dark freckles smattered across her face.

Then there's me. A tall Japanese boy with skins he color of sandstone, raven colored curtain of hair, deep ocean blue eyes, and hardly visible sunspots across my nose.

Twins. Obviously.

"Shoyo! Come here for a minute," Ms. Hinata called, waving him over. He gave me a quick kiss goodbye and ran off to his mother.

"Your boyfriend is very cute Bio," She said, peering at me with soft eyes. I nodded, and she spoke again. "But is being here okay with you? I know how much you hate it here,"

"The hardest part was walking in. It's easier now that I'm here. Speaking of easier things, where is Zuki?"

"Mizu? They're around here somewhere. I told them that they could come bother you once they finished their homework," Zeldah sighed, pinching her nose in exasperation, a few curls framing her face.

"Damn. Hope it wasn't English," I whistled, remembering Mizuki's hopelessness in the subject.

"It was." She smirked at me and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay. Well I won't be seeing that troublemaker for a while then," I chuckled. We talked a bit about Ahmya and Izumi, her other two kids before she left to talk to her husband. Once she was gone, I felt a tug on the back of my jacket.

I found Bug standing there, looking awfully distressed and anxious. Alarmed, I turned and bent down to look her in the eye.

"Natsu? What's wrong?"

"Kagio, remember how you said that you'd love me no matter what?" She murmured in a whisper cracked with emotion.

"Of course," I said quietly, scanning her eyes, trying to discern what was causing her so much anxiety.

"I...I need to tell you something," she whispered, still clutching my jacket. I took her hand and squeezed it tight as I stood up.

"Okay. Let's go on a walk."

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