Bleeding in the Silence.

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⚠️TW⚠️: Blood, implied SH

Mizuki Sato

I think this is the happiest I've been in days. Being with the whole gang and seeing Tobio unwind so completely after the last 48 hours he's had has been beautiful.

And Shoyo. Shoyo so effortlessly bonded with both Sonya and Rikan, remembering my notes from the car and threading them into conversation.

"Souya, can I objectify you for a minute?"
"What say you, my liege?"
"Your tits are so hot."
She was silent for a second before she bust out laughing.

"Oh my gods, wow!" she chokes, struggling to force the words out through her laughter. She was boxing Kageyama's arm at this point, but he was laughing just as hard. "That is not what I expected from you Tobio!"

She probably didn't expect it for the fact that Tobio is very gay and sometimes has to be reminded that women exist at all. I snorted as Sonya continued to howl, her hands clutching at Tobio's shirt just to remain upright.

"I'm full of surprises. I also am telling the honest to gods truth."

"I know you are," She says a lot softer this time, pressing a kiss to his cheek, her wine-colored lipstick leaving an imprint on his cheek.

"Tobio! I thought you were gay, what are you doing getting kisses from my girlfriend?" I accused, pointing my finger in his face. He swatted my hand away before facing me with a shit eating grin.

"I am gay, Souya Nakahara is just so sweltering hot that I often marvel at her beauty."

"Oh my gods, pack it up Romeo," Shoyo groaned with a smile, leaning over the couch to bully him. Tobio laughs and plants a kiss on his lips before turning and tackling Souya to the ground with a short battle cry. She screamed before Kags proceeded to roll over and sit on her.

"Get off! Get off!" She was screaming as she laughed, beating his back with her arms. He doubled over in laughter but didn't move from his spot.

"So now that I've put the bitch down," he began as Souya continued to holler. "What are we watching?"

"No Disney," I called, flopping onto the couch as Shoyo somersaulted headfirst into the spot next to me. "Tobio, Shoyo, and I had a Disney marathon which ended in a furious and heated debate."

"I didn't participate," Shoyo announced, as if this was one of his greatest achievements. "I was too busy building my blanket palace to argue over the plot structure of Tangled versus Big Hero 6."

"A noble endeavor my good man," Rikan agrees as he tosses us both cans of Sprite before sitting on the floor between my legs. using my left knee as a head rest. "Mizu and Souya are always fighting about this and that."

"Are you going to sit there and pretend that we don't sit here and debate the pitfalls on BNHA hero society daily?"

"Tobio, get over here and back me up," He said with a slight whine to his voice as he tried to pull Tobio next to him by the forearm.

He jerked his arm away with a hiss of pain so forcefully that he slipped off of Souya and on to the ground. Our chaotic glee to be together came crashing to a halt in that moment. Nobody moved, nobody spoke. We all just sort of stared at him. Until Shoyo started to slowly make his way to Tobio.
He sat there, back against an armchair as he cradled his arm close to his chest. We made eye contact and he blanched.

"Sorry I jumped like that," he murmured. "Just had a rough night," Rikan and Souya looked to me for confirmation, knowing that I had spent the night at the mansion. I glanced back to Tobio and he nodded, letting me know that it was alright. Shoyo was there now and Tobio leaned his head on his shoulder.

"Tobio explained a lot about his family to us last night. Things about Miwa, his room, and his relationship with his parents."

I looked back in Tobio's direction and he didn't seem any calmer or more at ease. Neither did Shoyo.

"Did you reboot?" Souya asked softly, placing a gentle hand on his knee. When he nodded, she took his hand and laid he cheek against it.

His eyes grew huge but he let her do it.
That is usually one of Tobio's favorite ways to be comforted. We were all starting to calm down a bit when Souya's eyes flew open.
She whipped her head up to face him, still holding his hand.


With that one word, his hand was gone from her grip.

"Tobio, why did I smell blood?"

And there he was cradling his arm again as if...
as if...

Then, a blossom on his shirt sleeve, staining the blue shirt purple. Silence as the first blood drop hits the light hardwood floor.

The fear on his face now was unmistakable. And the way his eyes were darting made my stomach drop.

No. Not another one. It's really bad for them to be this close together.

"Yama, hey!" Shoyo cried as he smoothed Tobio's hair. "Stay with me please, don't slip away."

But it was too late. Tobio's eyes unfocused long before a second drop of blood joined the first.

Shoyo dropped his head into his boyfriend's shoulder for a moment to collect himself before turning to face them.

Rikan threw him a towel, which he snatched out of the air and pressed against Tobio's forearm.

"I should unwrap his bandages, but I think I need to explain before you see this. I take full responsibility if he is angry with me for telling you, but I think you need to know."

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