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Tobio Kageyama

Monday morning. Shoyo's first day back at school since Thursday. 

It's been 2 days since Shoyo's blow up at the park, and he hasn't been the same since.

More irritable, quieter, more clingy. I doubt anyone noticed because he acts like his usual self in front of everyone.

Except me. It feels nice to be trusted, but it's also really scary to see him like this. Especially after he dumped his feelings on people he would have never told anything to under normal circumstances.

But, this morning felt different.

I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and Shoyo was just standing there, staring at his reflection.

"God, I'm so fucking ugly," He sighed, grabbing his bottle of what he calls 'happy pills'. "Shit. Fuck. Crap." After a second, I figured it out.

The bottle was empty.

Which means he has to get through today without them.

The first day back when everyone will ask stupid questions about his new appearance.

I clutched the doorframe and walked in.

"Hey Shoyo," I said quietly, scooting past him to grab the toothpaste. He looked at me with these eyes, these eyes that told of nothing but darkness and emptiness. I shut my eyes and pulled him into a hug. "I won't leave your side today, I promise." 

He sighed. "I don't know if I can do it all day,"

"You don't need to, babe. Whenever you get tired of everyone, tug on my shirt, and we can leave, ok?" I said softly, stroking the half up half down hairstyle courtesy of Natsu. He relaxed in my embrace and nodded against my chest. He held up his pinky and waved it slightly.

"Pinky promise?" He whispered. I smiled a bit and interlocked our pinkies.



Shoyo Hinata

"Shoyo, we're here," Kageyama said, pulling me from my thoughts. I looked up, and we were right in front of the gym door. 

"Ok," I sighed, closing my eyes and preparing myself for what was to come. I smiled, bright and blinding, pushing down everything I was feeling for the sake of others. "Ready."

With a sad smile, he nodded at me and pushed open the doors.

"Hey, guys!" I cried, waving energetically.

"HINATAAAAA!" the chaotic duo screamed. Tanaka and Noya barreled towards me. I dropped my bag and jumped towards them. They pulled me into a group hug and I was genuinely happy. Being separated from the team for so long made me forget just how easily they can change my mood. I looked back and saw Kags half-smiling as Suga said hello. 

I think he forgot too.

All of a sudden, tears were sliding down my face.

"Shoyo, what's wrong?" Tanaka asked, looking concerned. I wiped my face and laughed.

"Nothing, I j-just missed all of you all so much," I stammered.

"All of us?" Tsukkishima yawned from behind Yams. I smiled over at him. 

"Yup! Salty bitches and the homosexual supporting cast included." I quipped, laughing with Noya and Tanaka.

"Ouch. Supporting cast?" Narita said with mock anger.

"He's not wrong," Kinoshita laughed from behind him.

"I don't think I'm supporting cast, homosexual or otherwise." Narita huffed with a small smile.

"Cap," Ennoshita said without looking up from his phone. Kinoshita tried to stifle a laugh but failed.

"Ennoshita, you're a bitch." Narita cried, pointing at Ennoshita's slight grin.

"I try." Ennoshita cackled. Just then, Noya pushed me to arm's length.

"Shoyo! You shrunk!" He yelled, his eyes glinting with glee.

"Noya, noooo-" I cried before he cut me off with a shout.

"Which means, I'M TALLER THAN YOU NOW!" He stood there, looking super proud when Kageyama appeared out of nowhere, grabbed my waist from behind, and began to pull me away from the throng.

"No, you two are the same height now." He said, throwing me over his shoulder and dragging me to the court.

"Kageyama! Lemme goooo!" I screeched, pounding my fists against his back. 

"Nope. I wanna play volleyball. You can cry with the team later." He said seriously. I stopped my assault and broke out laughing.

"Wooow, Juliet. Sweeping me off my feet, huh?" I quipped, nudging his cheek. Just then, he dropped me and I crashed to the floor, missing my landing on my neck by mere inches. "OWWWW! BAKAGEYAMA, I ALMOST BROKE MY FUCKING NECK!" I screamed at him from the gym floor. He shrugged.

"I don't give a damn. Now, on your feet Romeo. I'll set to you." He said loudly. Having already grabbed a ball, he set the ball straight up and caught it. "Well?"

"YEAH!" I yelled. I jumped up and ran full speed at the net. believing the ball would come, I shut my eyes, jumped, and swung.

But the ball never came. I opened my eyes and saw the ball below me, near my stomach. 

I fell back to the ground and landed on both feet. I swiveled to Kageyama.

"What the hell Kageyama? That ball was way too low." I snapped. He looked genuinely shocked.

"Y-you... I...j-jumped..." he stammered, staring up at where I was a few seconds ago.

"SHOYO! WHAT IN THE HELL?" Noya screamed from behind me. "YOU FUCKING CLEARED THE NET!" My eyes widened.

"I... what?" I cried, turning in the rest of the team's direction.

One look at their faces and I knew it was true. Everyone had this look of pure shock on their faces. 

"Hinata! You just jumped high enough to jump over the entire net!" Yachi gasped. 

The thing is, that felt like a normal jump to me. Not particularly good or bad, just meh. 

What this means is I can fly even higher.

"Well shit."

Not Who I'm Meant to Be |FTM Hinata KageHina AU|Where stories live. Discover now