I Fucking Love You.

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Tobio Kageyama

"Alright, bye y'all!" Nishinoya cried in our direction as I pulled  Hinata away by the wrist. 

"Bye!" he yelled, waving back towards the gym. I smiled a little. I could feel the happiness radiating off of him. We walked hand in hand to homeroom since we were so late to morning practice that we didn't bother to change.

Hinata was swinging our arms back and forth, humming 'touch off' by UVERworld. 

"Wow, I forgot how fun it is to hang with the team," He sang, practically walking on air. "They didn't treat me any differently than they did before, and I kinda feel ridiculous for thinking they would be any different."

I smiled slightly as I listened to him continue to ramble on about our team, and finally spiking again. I closed my eyes, and let him lead me to the classroom.

But then, he went silent. I looked down, and I saw him staring down at his shoes. I lifted his chin and looked into his eyes.

They were empty. Devoid of the sparkling golden hues that I was used to.

Now they were just dull brown. No life. No passion. Just.... empty.

Damn. Maybe we should have waited for the refill.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked, caressing his cheek, trying to save him from whatever he was feeling. I looked to the left and saw we were standing right in front of the homeroom door.


"Shoyo, remember. I'll always be right next to you." I whispered into his hair. I patted the high ponytail Natsu styled this morning. "Just pull the back of my shirt, and I'll be your knight. I'll pick you up and whisk you away."

"I mean I did promise my prince," I whispered in his ear seductively.

He gasped and shivered a bit when I said that, before pushing me, and stumbling back several paces. His face was bright red as he pulled open the door.

"Baka! Bakageyama!" He shouted before stepping into the classroom and slamming the door. "Baka!" He yelled again, poking his head through the door before slamming it again.

I stood there laughing in the hallway for a good minute or two at his stupidity. 

"Boke Hinata." I reached forward, pulled open the door, and stepped into homeroom.


"Okay," Ms. Sato clapped to get our attention. "Good morning class!" she beamed at us and set down her attendance book.

"Good morning, Ms. Sato!" We called back. People around Hinata and I had started whispering. I only caught words and random phrases like:

'Who's she?'

'Where's Hinata?'

'in Hinata's seat'

I could tell that Sho could hear them too. He buried his head in his left arm, letting his right dangle. I grabbed his right hand and squeezed. He squeezed back.

"Ok, before we start, Hinata, come up here please." Hinata stood up and shook my hand slightly. Understanding, I let go and watched him walk to the front of the classroom and stand next to Ms. Sato. "Everyone, this isn't a new student. Due to an ....accident on Thursday, his appearance has changed from the last time you saw him. Do you want to introduce yourself?" She looked down at Sho as she said it. He nodded and turned back to the class.

"Heeey guys, it's me, Shoyo Hinata." He said, with cheer, I could tell was fake. "And yes, I'm still a boy."

'But you look like a girl'

'yeah, you-'

"Hey! He said he's a boy!" Ms. Sato practically screamed, slamming her palms on her desk. "Look, I know that Hinata looks different, and frankly, I don't know exactly what happened on Thursday, but it doesn't matter. This is still Shoyo Hinata, accept it." 

We sat in stunned silence. Ms. Sato has never raised her voice at us.


I watched as Hinata slunk back to his chair. I tried to comfort him, but he threw my arms off of him. I recoiled at the sheer force and took that as a sign to lay off.

"All right! Attendance." Ms. Sato said, opening her attendance book.

Shoyo Hinata

Today has been hell. 

Fucking. Hell.

In each and every class I had this morning, I was called up to the front of the class to say 

'Hey! Look! I look like a girl! But please, I'm still a boy.'

I guess once wasn't enough.

Today, my math teacher referred to me as a 'she' throughout the whole class, even though I corrected him multiple times. So, when he called on me using the wrong pronouns, I refused to answer his questions. Of course, he got mad, and threw me out of class, and gave me detention.

Before I got up, I tugged on the back of Kageyama's jacket.

Naturally, Yama then grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door, throwing a 'fuck you' in that horrible man's direction.

"Hey Sho, are you ok?" he said with worried eyes. One look into those ocean eyes and I knew I would be just fine.

I would make it through the day because I had the love of my life by my side. I stopped him and I looked up at my feet before throwing myself at him

"How are you always right there when I need you?" I cried into his back. "How?" 

He turned around and buried my head in his chest. I could feel the rumble of a laugh over his steady heartbeat.

"I'm your knight, remember?" He whispered. "And I have to protect my prince." He tilted my head up so we were looking into each other's eyes.

"God, I fucking love you."

|AN: Hooooly shit, it's been a while. Sorry, final grades for the quarter went in on Friday, so I took a day of rest. These past two weeks really had me drowning in work, but I will start posting chapters regularly again! Again, sorry for the wait! -AQ|

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