XLII ❥❥❥ Ep15- Uniform

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Adrien Rosemond glared at her condescendingly. She only noticed now that he was at two of her classes- Fortune Reading and Biology. Lyra, ever attentive, always sat at the very front and he sat at the very back. Despite the distance, she could feel his eyes trained at the back of her skull, drilling holes.

When all was well and class ended, students began filtering out of the room. The first batch she watched the Royals leave, and with the popular group gone the second and third tiers left as well. Lyra only huffed as she stuffed her heavy books to her bag and prepared for a long treck to the greenhouse for her next Advanced Gardening Class.

When she walked out she was almost surprised to see Adrien Rosenond waiting there, carrying his bookbag with a frown fixed on his face. Lyra wanted to just ignore him so he'd disappear, but he spoke up and all chances were gone.

"Delacroix." He greeted stiffly, and Lyra almost winced. Almost. "About that incident." He said in a threatening tone Lyra could only huff.

It's been a few months since the , and he's only openly confronted her about it after months of glaring at the back of her skull.

"When you turned into a kitten?"She did not know where she got the guts to talk back to him, the son of the Prime Minister, but Lyra had a tough day and she couldn't give a rat's arse about that now. "Don't worry, I haven't told anyone nor I have the intention to."

Adrien Rosmeond looked baffled, blinking lightly. He stared at her in shock, before shaking his head.

"You did not just...." He muttered. "Impossible. For sure you would ask for compensation would you not."

Lyra could not care less. She was getting late to the De Verde Advanced class. If Adrien Rosemond thinks he could intimidate her, or even threaten her he was dead wrong.

"Not everything has to have a price. Not everyone has ulterior motives Rosemond," She said as if talking to a child. "I won't tell anyone of that incident. Cross my heart." She turned around and walked away but she was tugged back when he held her elbow. Lyra raised an eyebrow.

Adrien slowly let go of her arm, looking all baffled. He coughed lightly, his vermillion hair glittering with the afternoin sunlight.

"T-Thank You," It was so soft she almost didn't hear. "Was what I wanted to say but I feel like I have to compensate you for that. Clothes, jewelry, money- name it."

Her eyes were blown wide like saucers she was so ready that he'd say it was a joke but the look on his face was dead serious.


"Right," He affirmed.

"I don't need it." She shrugged. "A simple thank you is enough."

He fell quiet and Lyra just stared at him. Why would he want to give her compensation? Not everything has a price and Lyra helped him out of her good will. It's crazy that she's even talking to Adrien Rosemond and he wasn't incinerating her.

Damned Rosemond. He never wears the correct uniform. I have to reprimand him again.

Lyra remembered Aristotle's angered rant this morning, or every morning for that matter. An idea struck her.

"Then how about wear the correct uniform for the year?" Lyra suggested, shrugging lightly. She wasn't sure if Adrien Rosemond would do it but it is worth a shot. If he did, then she wouldn't have Aris nagging her ear off every early morning and if he didn't, she'd still keep his secret.

He gave her the most incredulous look he could muster. "Really Delacroix? You could have all the money, jewelry, clo-"

Lyra blinked. "And I said I wanted you to wear the proper uniform for the year. Was that too hard?"

He didn't necessarily agree. He walked out on her, huffing.

What a brat.


Lyra was pulling her sweater lightly as she listened to her best friend, President Aristotle Oriel ramble once again. To the public eye Oriel was the definition of prim and proper, cool and composed but perhaps he only takes off that mask for her.

"That Rosemond," He snarled the ginger's name as if he ate something bitter. His eyes flashed angrily. "Goodness-He smuggled whiskey last week. The other week he burned Irina Tolstoy's potion books. I don't even remember how much demerits I gave him already. God, he can't even wear the damned uniform properly." Aristotle huffed, finally calming down his tirade, but he was far from finished.

Lyra has a list of Adrien Rosemond's offenses since the start of the school year, and what Oriel had ranted hadn't even been half of it. Adrien Rosemond had been quite the trouble maker. He was the gum under the shoes of the Student Council, basically getting into any trouble he could get his hands on. For such a trouble maker, you wouldn't have pegged him to be the son of the holier-than-thou Prime Minister.

Then he appeared, in the flesh. Adrien Rosemond walked languidly, as if he owned the hallway. In reflex, Aris was going to rant again, but surprisingky, he shut his mouth. Aristotle Oriel looked as if the world was ending.

"Wha-" Aris was mind broken. Who would not be? Lyra mused.

She must've drunk too much coffee today. Or maybe she was still asleep.

Adrien Rosemond was wearing Gardenia Acad's proper uniform. He wasn't wearing his damned fake magic suppressors (which Aris called jewelry) and his black pants were perfectly ironed,. He was wearing the required coat to top off. The pale plum hoodie which was supposed to be his usual ensemble beneath the blazer was surprisingly gone. Instead, he was wearing a white polo and a vest beneath it. Even his (it got lost, it got stolen, it magically disappeared) tie was also there. This was perhaps the first time Lyra Delacroix ever saw Adrien Rosmeond wearing a tie.

"Good Morning President." Adrien Rosemond greeted, red eyes calm and seemingly polite. He nodded at her. Sure, Lyra was shocked, she didn't expect him to do it. She didn't expect him to even have a proper uniform in the first place but her level of shocked compared to President Oriel's was on a whole other level.

"Duh- Doo- Da-" Aris gaped like a fish and was reduced to a sputtering mess. His right poinerfinger was twitching, probably from holding back to giving the usual trouble maker demerits. He was suffering from demerit withdrawals.

Adrien Rosemond seemed to be satisfied with the reaction he got, and walked off smirking.

"Lyra." Aristotle called out. When she looked at her best friend he was rubbing his spectacles with a handkerchief.


"I think I need a rather strong dose of coffee. Cancel all the afternoon meetings, I don't think I'm feeling well. If you need me, I'll be in the library."

And she burst out laughing.

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