VIII ✘ Handmade Apologies

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💜 | A V A R Y S | 💜

Avarys watched as Clara walked out of the music room happily, bidding goodbye to his brother. She walked off the other side of the hallway, remaining completely oblivious to his presense. He didn't mean to overhear their conversation or to hide behind a vase of flowers when she walked out the music room- it just happened.

On his defense, Duke Skotadi sent him to look for Clara (who was looking for him to apologize for the garden incident yesterday).

Clara incidentally entered some random balcony in the hallway, placed the package she was carrying on the banister and gasped at the sight. He wouldn't blame her, the Scorpio garden and the town could be seen from this floor.

Avarys followed her into the balcony, opening the glass doors and letting it creek to alert her of his presence.

She immediately turned around. "Avarys! I was looking for you."

"So I've heard." He replied, studying her reaction. She wasn't as angry as yesterday. If anything she looked quite guilty. He wouldn't really blame her, the engagement was a shock for him and he could imagine that it was the same for her too, only he believes he was coping in a much better way than she is.

"I-I wanted to apologize for yesterday," She said, looking him in the eyes this time. She took the package, practically shoving it to him with a determined look on her face. "Um, here, apology gift."

It seems like the wind passed by them again the second he took the package from her and accidentally grazed her fingers with his. This time, she didn't shy away from his touch.

"Thank you," He said graciously. "And I wasn't really angry or anything. The way you reacted was completely normal."

Clara sniffed. "But I just want you to know this- if one day you find your fated person, don't hesitate to tell me. I'll let you go if I need to."

He wasn't getting her point. "Fated person?" He narrowed his eyes on her.

"Um yeah," She brought her left hand to rub the back of her neck. Avarys noticed that despite the bright sun above them, it was glowing. Again. Something's off about that bracelet. "And she's not me, so yeah. You'd meet her someday."

"Are you instigating that despite being engaged to you I will, how do I put this?-" Avarys sighed heavily, trying to think of a not so scandalous way of wording what Clara said he would do. "Run off with another woman?" He said the last past venomously.

"Yes!" She replied almost instantaneously.

Avarys was many things, but he never thought unfaithful was one of them. Honestly, this wasn't a conversation ten year old kids should be having. Even if Avarys wasn't so romantically inclined with Clara right now, if he really needed to marry her, he will. He was sure she'd grow on him someday, and maybe become his fated person. And he will respect her the way she deserved. His feelings doesn't really matter when the kingdom is involved.

"That would never happen." He replied confidently. If he was married, he imagined that he would never cheat nor have mistresses left and right. That would ruin his bloodline and there could be a chance his future bastard son would posses violet eyes. That was beyond scandalous. Plus if the people know, it would spread to lands and beyond. There will be coup d'etats, uprisings and a lot more bloody headache he wouldn't want to encounter as a King. Plus, if he really did marry Clara Skotadi and cheated on her, Duke Lidius Skotadi would end him.

"So you say," Clara whispered softly.

"I'm confident about it."

"Well, we still have time, let's not talk about it anymore." Clara, with her hands, managed to prop herself on the banister to sit, with her legs literally hanging off the second floor of their castle. Avarys gave her a wide eyed look.

"Oi Clara, just what are you doing?" He hissed. He already knows that Clara usually just sits wherever, but this is just insane. "What if you fall?"

"Relax Avarys the winds won't let that happen," Clara said confidently, holding out her hand to let something intangible pass through. "I've got quite the control of the winds. Don't tell papa though."

"Yeah right." Avarys said, placing his package on the banister. The main families in the kingdom have control over the elements. It's common history class, the Diatiro control light while the Skotadi, control the winds and waters. Clara probably got the wind control, although how she could say that confidently amuses him. Avarys could barely control his light.

Avarys opted to open the package, to reveal a chocolate cake inside. He's never seen something of that flavor before. Whoever made this cake mixed Margavine's Chocolates with the pastry. He licked the stray chocolate off his fingertips- it tastes heavenly.

"Who's your chef?" He suddenly asked.

"Chef?- Oh you mean the one who made that? It's Sir Saffron. I helped too, somewhat ," Clara said, pointing to herself. "I figured handmade apologies were more sincere."

Avarys just stared at her blandly. This girl never ceases to amuse him. In the two years they haven't seen each other, she has become more unpredictable.

"Hey Avarys, do you want to know what they're saying in town?" Clara asked out of the blue, pointing at the roofs of buildings far beyond, beyond the gardens, past the gates and the boundary. "The winds tell me that apparently there's a tomato festival in town. Figures, that's why the town's been alive these days."

"Alive?" Avarys repeated. His fork laid frozen in his hand.

"Yep. They'e busy preparing. Had you seen a tomato festival before?"

"No." He replied. He'd never been allowed anywhere outside the castle before.

"It's funny. I was there last year with papa. Apparently, to thank God for the good harvest, they had this insane tomato throwing contest. Nobody literally goes home clean." Clara was laughing, a melodious sound like wind chimes as she recalled her experience.

"Did- Did you feel alive after that?" He asked her, violet eyes shining with hope. Anything to get rid of the emptiness in his chest.

"Yeah!" She replied happily, eyes closed and winds playing with her hair.

"When's the festival?"

"Tomorrow afternoon I guess."

Tomorrow afternoon it is.



Eyo, Mika here~
Another Avarys POV! Y'all gonna get to know this guys better in this chap and the next few chaps~Tho, Somebody please stop Avarys, whatever the hell he is planning. (Now that I've back read, his POVs are really contrasting with Clara's omg) ಠ_ಠ

The picture above is how a spoiler looks like to me. Be careful!~~Titles are misleading~Ψ( ̄▽ ̄)Ψ

And since I'm in an update mood (I updated like three of my books today), I update, again. Y'all really didn't have to wait long♡♡ Though the next chapters are gonna be intense and I'd have to like do a bunch of clean up but as always, thank you for all the love, support and theories~ ♡(◡‿◡✿)

Lots of Love, Mika~~

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