XXVI ❥❥❥ Initiation pt.1

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Team #1 ❥❥❥ Clara Skotadi & Avarys Diatiro

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Team #1 ❥❥❥
Clara Skotadi & Avarys Diatiro

Clara hummed lightly as she walked beside Avarys, careful not to trip again. Her blue eyes glossed over Gardenia Academy's pamphlet— settling over to the single glossy page with words "INITIATION" embossed at the top in fancy blackletter. Gardenia Academy is no ordinary school, and apparently they have their own initiation. They had their orientation a while ago where President Oriel and Avarys dear gave sappy and non-heartfelt speeches. She sighed, when she skimmed through the page and realized it was filled with utter garbage and not meant to be helpful at all.

"I thought we're done with the entrance exam." Clara huffed, as she shoved the pamplet on her backpack. She looked up at the skies above, to see the glaring sun and green, green skies. It's like someone placed food color on the skies that turned it poison-green. She had to hand it to whoever made this life-like virtual setting.

"We are done with the written exam," Avarys clarified, emphasizing written. They took the written exam together, and Clara remembered narrowly passing history and Avarys acing the entire thing. He didn't even break a sweat while in contrast Clara was praying profusely  to all the Gods of Multiple Choice she could reach. Elena must've found the written exam easy as well. It was probably consolation that Adrien Rosemond didn't even bother getting the right answers and Andrew is just as stupid as she is.

Avarys continued.  "This is the Initiation Clara. It will determine your ranking."

"Oh." She absently replied. The thing with Gardenia Academy is that they have this ranking system gauging one's magical ability. The treatment you will get from your peers depends on how high or low you score there. They'd probably explain the ranking system after the initiation. From the stories she heard from Papa,  after clearing the environment you were warped into, there will be a badge awarding ceremony and a bonfire feast. 

"Hey Avarys, I'm not complaining but why aren't there any monsters attacking us?"

During the warp she instinctively grabbed Avarys(who coincidentally was always always near her). They were transported to some sort of forest with towering trees and other exotic plants. She heard from her papa that the forest setting was supposed to be the most wretched level to clear with the strongest monsters. Aside from the vine that tried to trip her a while ago, there was no strong monster. Hell, the only strong monster here must be Avarys—

Oops. She shouldn't be thinking like this anymore.

Avarys was looking ahead with a unusually serious expression plastered on his face. He looked as if he was concentrating on something. He was also holding his sheated sword (the hell when did he bring that) with one hand defensively. He looked about ready to slay whichever unfortunate monster that would have the guts to dare cross their path.

When he noticed her staring, he turned to her and smiled kindly.

"But there are monsters that attacked us," He explained, gouging for her reaction. Clara only tilted her head to the side, implying that she does not understand.

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