XXXIX ❥❥❥ Ep12- Keep Your Secret

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"Rosemond," Clara called out, eyes narrowed lightly. Adrien avoided her gaze, and immediately pocketed the vial. She took his wrist, then with her other hand, squeezed his cheeks. "What did you just swallow?" She asked, in a threatening manner.

Adrien's eyes flashed a brilliant shade of vermillion for a split second, before taming into the usual shade of deep garnet. "Vitamins, they're vitamins!" He defended, before Clara finally released her hold on him. She didn't look like she trusts him though.

"Vitamins?" She mocked. "I don't believe you have to take fifteen pills at the same time if they're vitamins right?"

"It's - uh, necessary," Adrien tried to defend himself quite feebly. It had been a damned day and it turned a notch worse when Clara Skotadi caught him taking his daily... dose. "For my health." He finished lamely. He really did not want and was not going to talk about it, especially to the Future Queen herself. He was at a disadvantage, he can't intimidate her like he does to other people for very obvious reasons called Elena, Avarys and Duke Lidius. Adrien had always been a bit wary of Clara, for being the daughter of his father's political rival , his cousin's betrothed  and being Elena's best friend.

Avarys really could make himself useful by appearing now, and whisking away Skotadi away. But knowing Avarys, he was still probably at Baking Class attempting to make chocolate cake with Elena. It was a match made in hell, those two were forced to pair up for a cooking project. They were paired randomly and it became pin-drop quiet when their professor had drawn the names Elena and Avarys. God knows they secretly hate each other and would gladly kill each other given the chance.The same god must be rolling on the floor laughing for forcing those two in the kitchen, where there are many knives. Surprisingly, the two people who seemed to be good at everything both fail at cooking. They were arguing (threatening to kill each other while smiling) when Clara and Adrien left.

Baking Class was another elective that that people he never expected took. He knew that Clara Skotadi for sure would not miss this elective, along with Andrew and that white-haired chick who had been glaring daggers at Andrew. Maybe he guessed wrong since the two he expected surprisingly did not apply for baking.

But for sure hell must've frozen up all over when Elena Margavine and Avarys Diatiro both registered themselves in the roster the last possible minute.

Adrien actually expected those two to be taking Draconic Cypher 1 as their other elective aside from Ancient Script. Frankly, despite his non existent baking skills, Adrien chose Baking Class just so that he would have the minimum possible shared classes with Elena. Apparently, the two were originally registered in Cypher Class, only Avarys decided to quit last minute to join Clara in Baking Class. At that point, Elena also quit Cypher Class and was fighting with slots with Avarys.

Now Adrien was regretting not choosing Dragon Cypher himself. He wished he knew earlier that she was gonna quit that class.

Adrien was thankfully paired up with Clara Skotadi, who was good at baking. He doesn't remember much about Clara Skotadi— she was always close to people he was close with, but he does not personally know her. She's always a friend of a friend. The last she remembered was that she tagged along when they went on a museum tour before.

And since Adrien has zero cooking skills, he just sat back and let her do all the work. He made himself useful by not helping at all cause lord knows he might unintentionally burn the kitchen if he helped. He was just there, handing her the ingredients. When she said flour, he passed her the flour. When she said whisk, he passed her the whisk. They —Clara— finished the cake without much trouble all the while Elena and Avarys had been secretly throwing flour at each other. It's crazy, when Clara turned to them, they acted friendly to each other. When Clara turned her back on them, they were back to pointing each other with knives.Knives in this class were only supposed to be used to cut the chocolate and not your partner.

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