XLVI ❥❥❥ Ep19-You'll always have me

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Amadeus was staring at the stars, trying to connect the bright points in the sky. He turned to Avarys, who appeared to be sleeping soundly beside him, eyes firmly shut. Amadeus decided to take first watch, in case another monster decided to attack them again. It was oddly unsettling staring at Avarys because it felt as if he was staring at himself sleeping. With his eyes closed(their most prominent tell), it was as if he was staring at his clone.

He tried identifying the constellations he could see. There was Magadala, the wife of King Tycheros. Themistocles, the first King's most loyal Katharos hound. Chiodol, the elder dragon and a strong supporter of the demon king during the Chaos Era. and ...

Mavros, the son of the Demon King. The brightest winter star.

He remembered his father glaring heatedly at that constellation. King Sanguis and Avarys were both almost always busy. It was hard to grasp those two even when they all lived in the same house... Er, castle. The only time he ever gets to spend time with Avarys was when he thirdwheels with him and Clara.

And in that one rare time he walked up to their observatory, he was surprised to see King Sanguis already there. The castle observatory was located at one of the highest towers. There were different drawings of constellations drawn and clipped on its walls. He was just so shocked, and happy to see his father that he barely registered the sombre aura his father had.

"Father?" He asked, and his father pried his eyes off the constellation he was seemingly willing to disintegrate with his glare, and then turned to his other son Amadeus. It probably didn't help his mood, young Amadeus thought. If Avarys was the one who took after King Sanguis, Amadeus was the one who had the same personality and looks from Queen Lilia.

And that day was probably one of the anniversaries that Queen Lilia went away.

"Oh, Amadeus," He greeted. "It's way past your bed time." King Sanguis seems unsettled, and who wouldn't be. Avarys was just retrieved recently and has then since locked himself up in his room.

".... I can't sleep," He admitted regrettably. "..Mom would usually tell me bedtime stories." He muttered.

"You want a bedtime story?" Amadeus could see King Sanguis' left eyebrow twitching.

Amadeus reluctantly nodded.

"How about stargazing first?" They walked out to sit on the bench of the balcony of the observatory. King Sanguis pointed at the stars, the ones that Amadeus recognize now. Magdala, Themistocles, Chiodol, and finally, Mavros. He remembered being so amazed, clapping his hands and trying his best to commit to memory all the tells of the constellations. He tried visualizing what his father was telling him.

"You don't look anywhere near sleepy." King Sanguis remarked his son, before ruffling his hair. "I remember a story long ago. See Magdala over there? She's the wife of Tycheros, someone that King would go to the ends of the earth to protect. Themistocles was his Katharos, although that breed is an endangered species today. Them had a bite worse than his bark, and horribly loyal to a fault. See that ugly dragon over there— Chiodol. Yes, if you connect the dots, it looks like a lump of dung."

Amadeus squinted his eyes, but when he tried to connect the dots it was just like a stick dragon.

"I'm kidding. Chiodol always had his kind's best interest at heart. Dragons are.... Wise. Too wise. Even when they supported Tycheros in the end, the humans hunted them to the ends of No Return. Humans, and creatures of the dark simply could not coexist together," King Sanguis said clinically. "There would never be a world they exist together."

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