II ✘ Operation Change

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Delilah Reverdin.

That must've been her name in her past life. Delilah Reverdin is a normal girl with a normal life. Aside from her name, Clara knows next to nothing about her past life.

Who is Delilah's parents? Does she have siblings? How old is she?

And most importantly- How did she die? Clara was sure Delilah definitely didn't get hit by truck-san.

The bracelet was regulating the influx of memories. It was only giving her Delilah's memories that could help Clara Skotadi. In short, it only gave her Delilah's memories of playing Lovelorn. Beyond that, Clara doesn't know who she was before or who Delilah Reverdin really is.

It's probably a good thing. If she suddenly remembered everything about Delilah and the people she left behind, she might break down.

If she wasn't breaking down enough from knowing that she was a game character- and a villainess at that with only bad endings.

Clara only knows about Avarys Diatiro's route, as she already met the crown prince previously. She's sure there are more "capturable characters" out there in this world.

She's sure the "heroine" is somewhere out there in this world.

She shudders to think about the heroine. The heroine who was kind, loving and healing that everyone loves.

In stark contrast, Clara Skotadi was selfish, hateful and manipulative that everyone loathes. Even her fiance Avarys Diatiro hates her.

Clara knows that she is exactly like that. Clara knows deep down that everyone hates her because she is a spoiled and twisted little girl who manipulates her father to get what she wants but even if she is like that- she's so sure she doesn't deserve to be murdered!

"Clara dearest," Her father carried a beautiful baby pink dress in his arm as he walked out of her extravagant walk in closet. "You don't have clothes anymore. Do you want to go shopping? I'll buy you anything. You just recovered after all." He smiled brightly, because shopping is the only thing that can make Clara happy.

Clara looked down on the blue carpet floors of her room. It has been three days since she got healed. It has been three days since she got memories of her past life. It has been three days since she contemplated about what she had to do with her life.

She's young.

She's not yet in magic school.

She could still change.

"Papa," Clara called out looking into her father's eyes with a frown. "I have enough clothes to clothe an entire village. I could wear them again."

Duke Lidius Skotadi was flabbergasted. He never expected his wasteful daughter to decline a shopping spree. He immediately threw the pink dress on a nearby chair, before running up to his daughter and placing a hand on her forehead.

"Dearest, are you still sick?!" He asked, blue eyes shining with worry.

Clara gave a light smile. "No papa. Please don't spoil me anymore."

He gaped at her. "Who are you and what did you do to my daughter?"

Clara rolled her eyes. "It's just. I want to change papa. I can't go on like this," She faltered lightly, before continuing. "This selfish. It would only get me killed in the future."

"Is that what you worry about?" The Duke asked, face sombre. "Not to worry Clara. You are my daughter. No one can hurt you. Papa will always be here to protect you." He patted the crown of her head.

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