XIV ✘ Sister from Hell

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💙|A N D R E W |💙

Andrew's peaceful life is gone.

In the two months of his stay, he is convinced that everyone in the Skotadi household, even their dogs, are crazy.

His day starts with waking up. Correction, getting woken up by his sister who jumps on his back while screaming a very loud and very good "GOOD MORNING ANDREW!!!" at the top of her bloody lungs. Clara, despkte looking thin and lithe like a fairy, actually weighs like five sacks of rice when she's on your back.

Then breakfast would come. Duke Skotadi would greet him "Good Morning" and smile warmly, w
hich is the only good part of his morning. Clara would steal his strawberry jam while smiling brightly.

Then they would see Duke Lidius off. He has some kind of important stuff to do at the Royal Capital. He would scoop them both in a hug, while promising to get hone early and bring lots of gifts. Next would be lessons.

First was etiquette lessons, which surprisingly, Clara -I'mabarbarian- Skotadi could miraculously pull of. From table manners to court etiquette, she could do it. His jaw basically dropped when she nonchalantly enumerated what the hell was the soup spoon and all the other spoons and forks and when and how nobles would use it. In contrast to her, well let's say just don't compare Andrew and Clara when it comes to etiquette. He has a looooong way to go.

Next was lunch, probably. Clara would still be a bother and dump her veggies on him. She would say : "If you don't eat your veggies, you won't grow any taller. Ever."

After that would be history class. Andrew would ace that, because he's quite a diligent student. In contrast, Clara was basically........... uhm...... she's dozing off on Miss Cezaire, their history teacher. Miss Cezaire once hit Clara with a flying book, but thanks to Clara's wind, it was deflected. She woke up later with a slight drool on her face, and Miss Cezaire bombarding her with assignments. If she wasn't like that, she'd go to potty breaks for LONG periods of time, that Andrew fears she got flushed in the toilet. They'd find out she was staring at the flowers out the window, and Miss Cezaire would drag her back to the library by the ear.

Math Class was a blurr since he's good at arithmetic.

By fencing class, Andrew was completely physically and mentally drained. It was evening after tea break (where Clara would eat his scones but give him her cookies) and it was just the start for Clara. She'd be so happy when fencing classes starts. Andrew was so bad at it that Clara took it upon herself to train him when their instructor left.

"Andrew, your form is weak," Clara, his step-sister, said with a click of her tongue. She placed a hand to her waist. "And you shouldn't wave your sword like that. Of course it would turn jello. The point of fencing is to strike forward, duh."

Andrew only lowered his head, his mop of black hair covering his blue eyes. He wasn't proud of his black hair. It wasn't the trademark of the Skotadi and, obviously his bastard father contributed to his genes. He was nothing in comparison to Clara, who had the confidence, the appearance and the strength to be the next family head. He wonders why the Duke even had her engaged to another family rather than succeed him.

"Geez Andrew, you would be a lousy successor at this rate," She pointed the blunt tip of her sword to his chin and made him look her in the eyes. "I guess you won't be learning without experience- fight me."

"What?!" He shrieked, looking at her as if she had finally gone crazy. I don't have a death wish!

"I am Clara Skotadi, a notorious pirate of the seven seas," Clara declared with a straight face. "Surrender at once you plebian, and lead me to the treasure throve. I shall not hesitate to cut you down! RAAAAGH!!" She screamed like a barbarian, while charging towards him.

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