XXXIII ❥❥❥ Ep6- My Delilah

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Avarys Diatiro mechanically brushed his teeth, while numbly staring at his reflection in the mirror. Otherworldly amethyst eyes stared back at him. In the fluorescent lighting, the bags under his eyes were contrasting greatly with his pasty skin. The mop of platinum didn't help his powdery palor.This had been the face he was used to seeing everytime he stares in the mirror. It had been fifteen years since he'd had this face and lived the life that comes along with it.

Beloved by everyone, but known by no one.

He remembered the game creator saying that Avarys Diatiro was the key to the future events leading up to the next phase of Lovelorn. As someone who never played the game (but only heard a few spoilers and the basic gist of it), he really needs Clara to be on his side, if he wants his plan to work.

The people in this world, are set to act a certain way. They were like gears with predetermined motions, actions and experiences. Clara was supposed to be unhealthily devoted to Avarys Diatiro. Amadeus was supposed to love Clara from a distance. Who knows what Andrew or Adrien does. Margavine was supposed to suffer a love that would never be reciprocated from Adrien.

He thought that was crazy. No one from the main characters were... ever happy.

Lovelorn. The creator said. Aren't they all... Lovelorn?

But if one gear falls off, the rest of the machine were soon to follow. The plot, was in shambles, and he was partly guilty from deviating from it.

He has yet to confirm fully if Clara was truly... someone like him. But he has a hunch, and a really accurate one at that. Before his memories came back to him at the brink of death, he remembered that Clara was distancing herself, building an iron wall around herself. She never attended parties she used to attend before. The only shade of shockingly blue hair he sees sweeping past the castle hallways was Duke Lidius, who would only pat his shoulder and say "maybe another time" when he asks where Clara is.

Naturally at first he was baffled. Then days turned to months and months turned to years. He even remembered embarrassingly enough- peeking at his father's office and asking King Sanguis.... "Father, why is Clara avoiding me?"

When King Sanguis looked at him then, with furrowed eyebrows - it felt like he wasn't seeing Avarys, his son then, but a distant memory.

He doesn't blame Clara for being wary of him, it's nothing personal really. Even he would be creeped out if he wakes up everyday to see the face of his future murderer.

Greed wonders why Avarys Diatiro even killed Clara in the game. He always heard the creator complaining about other players complaining about that route. Unless she cheated on him? Although that wasn't shown in the game. He shook his head, trying to dispell that rotten thought. The Clara he sees from the game screen was a bit too.. attached to even realize her own worth and cheat of all things.

When his memories of another life came back to him- he was at the Skotadi Estate. He thought that maybe his mind finally snapped, for asking for an extension on his life and holding on to a god of darkness. He tried clawing his eyes out, at the onslaught of memories cutting him to shreds. He felt like a rubber band being stretched to it's limits. People he never met in this life, places he'd never seen in this life. Memories that never happened in this life. Things that he'd never get back ..... People that he'd surely never see again. Even King Sanguis' light magic was tormenting him, even when it was meant to heal.

When he woke up, he spent a good portion of the night staring numbly at the white walls of the Diamond Castle. Too white, too hallow. He walked around the place he grew up in, and distinctively felt the like suffocating. Something was hammering in his brain as if - this wasn't him and he didn't belong.

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