XLV ❥❥❥ Ep18- You don't need to remember me

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[ Student 'Clara Skotadi' gained one magicore ]

Clara really was okay taking dungeons alone. Contrary to popular belief, she does not just idle away whenever she goes fief inspection with papa. Apparently, Papa's interpretation of father-daughter bonding changed from "shopping" to "raiding dungeons". Dungeons are relics of the olden ages that are scattered across the globe. Sometimes low level monsters live there and most of the time, there are treasures. After the major players of the darkness revolution got banished, low level monsters started roaming the fields of the kingdom of Gardenia.

But now she was running low on Mana.

Remember the flood? Yeah, it was her, she intensified the wave. She intentionally set off the glaring trap, and it was worth it if Angel and Andrew would get closer.

Clara thinks that Andrew should get engaged asap, even in a world without the heroine. If ever the heroine would appear, it's better if Andrew is already enamored with someone. Papa was interested in having Andrew betrothed, but was hoping it would be a love match. Clara on the other hand just wanted him engaged so that the heroine wouldn't get to her brother.

Look, Andrew is annoying most of the time but he doesn't deserve to be one of the fishes in the heroine's pond.

And just as Andrew knows her, the version of her at home who wasn't overthinking and shaking in fear of Avarys killing her, Clara would like to think she knows Andrew best.

The way he looks at Angel for one. When they were called for counseling. When he left her and Avarys just to go back to the library again, chasing after Angel. Look, even if she was cramming that time, she noticed her brother run through the bridge to catch up to Angel like a possessed man.

Realllly. He's being a bit too obvious. Avarys knows, and she knows. At this point, only Andrew and Angel remain oblivious.

She'd seen glaciers move faster than those two and she'd be damned if she doesn't give them the push. She just hopes that she gave them the right push and not a shove for them to kill each other.

She adjusted her pack, as she quietly walked around the labyrinth. the the exit either has to be out of it, or in the middle of it. She isn't looking forward to the later. Anyway, Clara was planning to lay low for now and conserve her Mana reserves.

At this point, Clara was considering carrying a magic item, for cases when she runs out of Mana. Avarys carries an enchanted sword, Amadeus has his bow while Andrew and Elena almost never runs out of Mana it was unfair.

Really, it was unfair. She probably drained herself too much, causing a great flood because right now, the labyrinth walls were shaking in front of her eyes.


When she opened her eyes, it was night time and the cold walls of the labyrinth first greeted her, then the small flame. Clara immediately sat up, on high alert and the wind bristling around her protectively.

"I wouldn't move around recklessly if I were you," An unfamiliar and mildly annoyed voice spoke to her side. Clara was surprised to see a dark haired man, obviously violating the standard Gardenia Academy uniform. Instead of cream colored long sleeved polo, he was wearing black. Clara also belatedly noticed that a black coat was draped all over her, smelling of probably an expensive scent that's all the rage among men these days.It ticked her nose right.

"You were suffering of extreme mana depletion when I found you." The mysterious student explained. She can't meet his gaze because his fringe was obstructing the view. All she could see was the bizarre tattoo running down his right eye and cheek. She doesn't think she'd seen him before.

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