XXXI❥❥❥ Ep4- Never Enough

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"Oh, Lyra happy birthday," Aristotle Oriel greeted, tired green eyes peering at her from beneath his lashes. He took the grumpy cat from her. He inspected it carefully, like an equation waiting to be solved while the cat, despite it's injury looked as if he wanted to claw Oriel's face off. The nurse then examined the cat, before promptly leaving for another room. "......I'm sorry I greeted you rather late." When usually, when it's each other's birthdays, they make it a point to be the first to greet the other.

It was kind of pitiful how a moment ago, she felt like her world was crashing down but then now she felt her world was repairing itself when Aristotle noticed her.

She thought there really should be a limit to how stupid she is allowed to be.

"That's fine, we were busy planning the initiation and rankings," She hoped her smile was kind enough, real enough so he wouldn't notice the pain grating in her heart. "How's the girl?"

"She's stable now," He furrowed his eyebrows in worry. "Although she hasn't woken up yet."

"Did you find who..."

He shook his head. "I tried looking into the surveillance records- they were glitching."

Now that was curious indeed. As if someone obviously tampered with the surveillance cameras within the warp. It was alarming in so many levels, nobody could just do that!

Aristotle probably noticed the frown in between her brows, before he smiled brightly as he smoothed it away.

"Ah, let's stop talking about work. anyway- I left your cake on the fridge," He changed the topic to a brighter one. They always ask favors from the school nurse to keep their cakes when they bake, so this was an ordinary occurrence. Aristotle was God at baking, and Lyra wonders that maybe one day if she married him she'll be privy to all the cake he bakes. He winked. "It's your favorite cheesecake!"

".... How did you even have the time to bake?" She giggled lightly. She was privy to his schedule, and upon the days of preparing for the Initiation and the ranking tournaments, it was jam packed. He didn't even have time to visit the greenhouse or hole himself up in the library like he usually does. He was busy fine-tuning details of the events for the next coming months and begrudgingly dealing with Prince Avarys who visited a few days before everyone was supposed (and allowed) to appear and was practically snooping around the academy grounds.

She feels sorry somehow, for feeling as if she was being neglected. She was reminded that ah, they really do belong in different worlds. Aristotle Oriel was the student council president, on top of that he was also the heir to the Emerald House. He had more important things to deal with that a mousy little girl. She of all people should know all the shit Aristotle has been through, and she just decided to be selfish and only think of herself. It also doesn't help that due to his introverted nature, she knows that his father had always been breathing down his neck not to shame the good name of the Oriel.

"Lyra, you're my best friend," He hooked an arm around her shoulder. She noticed the bags under his eyes from all the accumulated stress he had been through the past week. But still, she really appreciated that despite all those, in the back of his mind, she was there. "I would never forget you, gosh."

"Oh, do you still like this book?" He took out a leather bound book from his school bag, with obvious yellowing pages. It looked old and worn. "They don't publish this anymore and I had a hard time finding it." He placed it in her hands as if he just placed bars of gold on her hands. It took everything in her not to drop it when she read the title.

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