XLVIII ❥❥❥ Ep21- She doesn't know anymore!

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Apparently, it was team Amadeus, Avarys and Rein that first got to the lobby. The two were polite enough to include her in their conversations. But Rein feels a bit more comfortable talking with Amadeus.

Honestly, she hoped she wasn't too obvious all those times she stared blankly at the two of them getting along well.

Prince Amadeus wasn't a good man in Reverse Lovelorn. Trash honestly, the way he played with women. He's a contradiction, the way he wanted love so much, but when he was showered with it, he'd handle his girlfriend's heart carelessly. Maybe that's his coping mechanism living in a castle without a mother, with a busy father and a twin who's ... inexpressive would be the kindest term.

He's handsome, don't get her wrong, but for Rein, a capture target is truly handsome if he is physically and he has a good personality. Among the original capture targets, she didn't like Amadeus and Avarys. Amadeus is too focused filling the void, while Avarys is too busy mulling over the fact that he probably wasn't human to even see the people in front of his face!

Honestly, they're all trash, she wouldn't want to end up with any of the Lovelorn male capture characters  so mostly she plays the male main character, Luka Noir to save the girlies.

But if she had to rank the original capture characters from least trash to most trash... Andrew is probably least trash. Next is Adrien Rosemond, he was actually clear with what he feels to Elena Margavine, telling her off and he wasn't a womanizing trash. President Oriel is neutral trash, and she is biased with this because he's low-key leading on their cousin Lyra!

Avarys is in the category of higher trash due to his lack of communication skills. If he just talked to Clara honestly the plot full of misunderstandings could just be cleared up. Playing 'Clara Skotadi route' in Reverse as Luka was like eating a hundred sweet potatoes without water whenever the rival Avarys Diatiro interacts with her!

Because Avarys Diatiro is making it too easy to capture Clara!

At number one trashiest is, drumroll please, Prince Amadeus. God no, Rein cannot handle playboys. Avarys dislikes Amadeus for his obliviousness at the shit happening around, while Amadeus hates Avarys for his apathy. She wonders how those two even lived in Diamond Palace all those years, in game.

So it's surprising to see the twin princes have a normal sibling relationship.

In game, it was an absolute trigger for Amadeus if you tell him that he looks a lot like Avarys.

Rein shook her head. Maybe because this isn't a game? Maybe because this is real life for them that they are more realistic? Maybe because Marilyn Cache isn't here? Maybe this is all because of Luka Noir's main character buff that made the people he interacted with have better lives?

Is the Luka Noir effect really that godly that he reformed the notorious playboy Amadeus through the power of friendship?

Probably not. During the entrance ceremony, the capture targets weren't scattered, they were sitting next to each other. Amadeus wasn't a playboy from the start, he doesn't have a malicious rumor connected to him. He was like a clean slate. The most she hears about him is he is a music enthusiast, offering free tutorials in orphanages. That was so absurd because even if she flips Lovelorn and Reverse Lovelorn Prince Amadeus had zeroo talent in literally anything aside from annoying Avarys and soaking up attention from women.

For her, it felt like the end of the world when the twin princes found her. She thought she had to act as a buffer to stop them from fighting or something, but they're actually quite nice. They did lead her to the oasis to get cleaned up, Prince Amadeus lent her a magical bow when they encountered monsters, they found the exit, bam!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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