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One month later...

Life is really fucked up, isn't it?

Life can be such a bitch. Life is filled with so much potential dreams, surprises, heartache and drama. Life is like an adventure for some people, and for others, it's just unbearable.

Life rarely gives us what we want and that is just depressing and selfish. We all hold things that are very dear to us and in the blink of an eye, life could just snatch them away without warning, leaving you heartbroken and depressed, until another precious thing comes your way again, and life takes that too and the cycle goes on and on until you have nothing left to lose.

Some people move on and deal with life, others may not be able to, and sometimes they give up on life and take their own. Others may just leave the world by the fate of life.

Cassie was dead.

And Hailey couldn't be more angry with life. Just as she was beginning a new chapter, life had to remind her that no one will ever have a happily ever after.

As she stood at Cassie's grave, with dozens of mourners surrounding her, she recalled the tragic night of Cassie's death in her mind.

After Cassie had left Hailey's home, she fell ill on the way and asked the driver to take her to the hospital. She called Zach on the way and complained of feeling weak and dizzy and she was in a lot of pain.

Zach had rushed to the hospital where the doctor told him that Cassie's immune system had rejected the liver transplant, but that wasn't what killed her. No, she had a heart attack in the hospital and she died.

Zach's heart was crushed. He had lost his best friend and he knew Hailey would be just as heartbroken, but she had to know.

When Hailey arrived at the hospital and heard the news, she froze. She was numb. Her heart was beating but she was dead. She was heartbroken, yes, but she was numb. She wanted to scream but she couldn't. She wanted to cry but her tears were all dried up. Life had struck again and she had to deal with it. Her parents were gone and Cassie was gone.

Zach bawled on her shoulder as she sang the words of the song "You Are My Sunshine." She had stared out at nothing, thinking of how fucked up the world and her life was. She had to find a way to move on. To live for her parents and for Cassie. That's why she had to go to Los Angeles. She had to make something of herself. She had to make her bestfriend and her parents proud. Oh, how she hoped they were looking down at her.

"Goodbye, Cassie," Hailey whispered as she looked at the grave one last time before turning around.

Zach was standing right behind her and she crashed into him. He released a sad sigh and simply held her in his arms, "We'll be okay, right?"

She forced a smile even though he could not see, "We will be okay,"

With a sniff, he released Hailey to look at her, "Do you really have to go?"

Hailey's smile fell sadly, "School begins on Monday,"

"Promise me that you'll never forget me and that you'll call," Zach said pleadingly.

"Zach, I can never forget you or Cassie. You both will always hold a place in my heart that cannot be replaced by anyone else. I'll call you everyday,"

Zach smiled happily at her and she smiled as she wiped away his tears, "Now, stop crying and try to cheer up. Cassie's no longer with us but I seriously doubt she'd want us to be this sad,"

Zach chuckled, "Yeah, you're right. I'm such a cry baby,"

Hailey laughed at his cuteness with a shake of her head, "Come on, my flight leaves in two hours,"


As Hailey stared through the tiny window of the airplane at the perfectly ill-shaped clouds, she felt at peace. She was free from the toxicity of Romeo Snider and Cassie was in a better place where'd she feel no more pain or sorrow.

The world awaited her and she was ready to reach out and grab whatever opportunity came her way. She was alive and she was grateful. Life was short and full of heartbreak, but she was alive today and from now on, she'd live every day like it was her last. She'd live for her mom, she'd live for her dad and she'd live for Cassie.

The End.

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