Chapter 7

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Chris Hemsworth as Tyler

Jake's POV

'Oh hell to the no!'

I groaned and pinched the bridge of my nose. Me and Ashley have been arguing other this for hours already and we started this argument around the afternoon. It was night already and we were getting in bed.

She had me keep my clothes on because she said that it'd be "weird".

'Come on Ashley! You said you accepted me right?' I tried to sound fierce, but it came out as a whine.

'Yes I did. But no way I'm meeting the pack! That's crazy!!'

'Trust me Ashley, they'll love you! You're gorgeous, funny, perfect on every way. Plus, you could kick their asses!' I tried to convince her. Though, my parents would probably disapprove of me talking about my pack members like that.

'Yes, I could kick their asses, but that doesn't change the fact that I have to meet over 2000 people!' This was not going for what I've hoped. It's been a day since she accepted me and things were going pretty well for us.

Sam and Alex were getting along fine as well, probably better than us if you could say. When she agreed to stay in the same room with me, I thought "hey, maybe this could go well after all". Hahaha, no. As if things would be easy for me. Now I'm not saying my mate is troublesome, but she's a little too ... Head strong?

'Please Ashley? You're practically part of the pack now. And my pack members have already heard I found you, they want to see their future Luna,' I sighed and moved over to her side of the bed where she was still most likely sulking, 'At least let me show off how proud I am to have you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I want to let the pack know I love you.'

She tensed up. Uh-oh. Did I hit a nerve? She rolled over on her side to face me, her expression unreadable.

'What did you say?'

'I said that I wanted to show you off to the pack members because I'm proud --'

'No not that. You said you loved me. Is that true?' There was a dead serious tone in her voice.

I sighed again and brushed the hair out of her face and continued rubbing her cheek in a circular motion with my thumb, 'Of course I love you Ashley. From the first moment I saw you, you had me falling for you. I know we got off to a bad start, but my feelings never did once waver for you. I love you for who you are, Ashley Brooklyn Williams.' I was probably blushing all the way while confessing that but I had to tell her. Let her know that I love her not just because of the mate thing, but because I truly love her for her good and bad parts.

She looked down and the hair fell over her face again, this time I didn't try to lift it away. I felt a warm tear slip down and she mumbled softly before curling to sleep.

'Thank you Jake'

I pulled her closer to me and breathed in her sweet scent. Finally, after a hell lot of struggling and constant guard patrols to prevent their escaping, she was mine.

She was right here in my arms, sleeping peacefully.

'No problem Princess.'

I kissed her forehead and then sleep crashed upon me.


I woke up and reached for Ashley. When my hand felt nothing but bed sheets and pillows, my eyes shot wide open and I was wide awake. Patting her side of the bed, I noticed the bed sheet was cold. I cursed under my breath, 'Shit. Where did she go?'

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