Our New Friend

354 32 42

Bold: dialogs
Italics: thoughts
Bold italics: pov, time, A/N

Jungwon's POV
I was standing near the school gate, waiting for Niki to come. His bus usually early to school...
"Jungwon!!" I saw Niki towards me. I rushed to him too and hugged him tightly. "Niki-ssi, why are you late today!? I've been waiting for you since the past 5 minutes"

"Oh, our bus  was late to school to-"

"Have Fun with your boyfriend Niki!!" Niki's older brother told Niki as he passed by us. "He's not my boy- ignore him Wonie" Niki said to me shyly "It's alright" I replied giggling.

He's really cute, I thought to myself giggling. "I should introduce you to my friends, they're a bit older-" "O-older....?" Niki asked me while being hesitant, Why is he so scared suddenly, he looks so worried.."you alright Niki, you're face is sweaty...." I said as I cupped Niki's face as Niki's face started getting hot. He's a shy boy, cute!! I find him really adorable not gonna lie. He's a giant baby, I wish I wasn't 5 '8' -_- (Won I'm 5 '2'), I feel so smol next to him. I tip toe to reach his face level and touched his forehead. "Don't worry, they're not gonna eat you, my friends are humans, not dogs. They won't bite you" I replied smiling. "If you don't feel comfortable, I'll not force you to be with them, I'll stay alone with you" Niki poked by dimple as our cheeks got red.

I dragged him to the table where Everyone was sitting. "Ah your Niki, right!! I'm Shin Yuna. I saw your dance the other day and your such a great dancer, plus the song you wrote was so amazing!!!"

"Yuna, I absolutely agree with you!! For how long have you been dancing for? Ah, and I'm Kim Sunoo, by the way. Its really nice to meet you. I'm Jungwon's best friend " I wonder what Sunoo hyung eats to be so hype all the time.

"and I'm Wonie's boyfriend, Park Jay" Jay hyung pulled me in his lap as I got really shy. Jeongin hyung stood up to introduce himself but all that came out of his mouth was "how could you be so tall- Jungwon are we both the only ones who didn't get any height? Please share some of your height with us too-" "I'm not that tall...." Niki said scratching the back of his neck. "Everyone, stop embarrassing the kid and introduce yourselves" ISTG I'm so done with Jeongin hyung. "I'm Yang Jeongin, Jungwon's older brother" "I'm Park Sunghoon, this is my man, Jake" Sunghoon hyung said putting his arms around Jake hyung.

"By the way, just because Yuna is the only girl here, don't ship her with anyone" "I don't usually see you with these 7" Niki asked noona. "I'm with them all the time but I prefer going to classes early so you won't find me here in the morning, I have other female friends and these days I'm usually with my female friends not these animals" Noona replied as everyone except Niki was pissed off. Why are the rest of you sad, she can't even decide which animal to call me. "WE'RE NOT ANIMALS!!" Everyone except Niki yelled as Niki laughed so hard that his eyes disappeared. He's making me soft for him (Everyone is soft for Niki, Won)

Time skip~

"our dance teacher is strict, remember to smile while dancing" Niki furiously nodded. "back there in Japan, I used to have a friend, Taki-kun. We both used to dance together"
"Was he the only friend who danced with you?"
"He was my only friend...."
"how come did you have only one friend?!"
"umm would you really like to hear"
I furiously nodded as a yes. I wonder how could Niki be such a great dancer plus an Extrovert and still be lonely.................


I'm literally updating at 00:24


If this fiction reaches 1K,

I'll reveal my face👀.

I currently have 160+ reads,

I think I'll be showing my face someday

PLEASE, do me a favor and try to share your opinions, it feels nice to see a comment.

You_know_Waeng was commenting today, y'all won't understand how happy I got when she did 🤧😭

TYSM for reading <3

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