The Almost Kiss(2K Speacial Update)

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Author's POV~

~At Sunoo and Yuna's shared apartment~

"Guess who's back, Ddeonu?" Yuna yelled and Sunoo rushed out of his room, only to see Jay standing at their doorsteps. "Hi Ddeonu" Jay waved in tiny but Sunoo rolled his eyes and returned to his room. He was about to close the door but Jay held the door, not letting Sunoo close it. Sighing, Sunoo gave up in an instance and Jay entered the room, where he came for the first time.

I would like to describe Sunoo's room. It has light blue walls, white curtains, a balcony in the east. His bed is placed near the wall, leaving a small gap between the right side of the bed and wall. He has a brown dresser/cubboard, nearly 185 cm tall. He also had a brown study table, where all his books were kept in a section. Near Sunoo's bed, on the wall, there were multiple photos hung in a single joint frame. 3 photo of Sunoo alone, 3 of his and Jungwon, 4 of him and Yuna, and one of Sunoo with his parents.

If you enter the room, the balcony door would be in front of you, the bed on the right side, a dresser on the right side, in the corner and The study table infront of you, and some a photo frame hanging on the right side wall, above the bed.

Sunoo layed down on his bed and closed his eyes, attempting to sleep, but Jay was staring at him, with a soft smile on his lips. Feeling Jay's stare, he turned to other side, keeping his eyes close.

Jay pulled his gaze away from Sunoo, and looked around the not so big room. His eyes caught Sunoo's baby pictures, hanging near Sunoo's bed. Blindly, Jay stepped closer to the frame. He kept marching forward until his legs came in contact with the bed frame and he tripped, almost falling over Sunoo. Indirectly, Sunoo was pinned on the bed by Jay. Jay's hands trapped Sunoo in between, it's nothing less than pinning someone on the bed.

Sunoo nervously gulped, feeling blood rush in his cheeks. Jay too, felt his cheeks heating up but no one moved even a single millimeter. Both froze in their spots, lost in each other's eyes.

Million butterflies in his stomach and multiple thoughts in Sunoo's head but his tongue abandoned him and his mouth decided not to open up. All he could continue gazing into Jay's beautiful, black eyes and continue feeling those butterflies.

As for Jay, it was his first time looking Sunoo so closely. Of course, he sees him everyday but it was his first time being so close. He too, could feel the butterflies in his stomach and goosebumps all over his body.

There was barely any motion in the entire room. The eye contact broke as Jay's eyes averted from Sunoo's eyes to his pink lips.  Jay had the yearning to lean in, and not being able to fight it back anymore, he lowered his face to meet Sunoo's lips.

DID THEY KISS!? DID THEY?! Or did  Jay stop his tracks? I'm gonna leave you guys on a cliff hanger, see you guys in the next chapter. To be honest I wasn't gonna drop this chapter any soon buttttttt I had the 2K double update so get spoiled ;)



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