And What About Me?

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Bold italics:A/N Aka me/POV/Time skips
Bold: Jungwon
Italics: Niki
(this will change later)


"so how were you adopted?" "it's a long story.......

My biological parents used to own a dance studio. The people who adopted me used to be friends with my parents. My parent's dance studio wasn't so popular but they worked hard. One day, my biological parents realized how bad our living conditions were.......

   My parents were in a huge loan already and there was barely a student in the dance classes my parents ran. When I was 5, they lost hope and burned the studio with them inside. My foster parents heard about the fire at the studio, they thought that I was inside with my parents, but, I was sleeping alone at my house. Eomma and appa, (the people who adopted Niki) saw that I grew up in horrible living conditions, so they erased my memories, and adopted me legally"

"wow, that's......... You know Niki maybe your parents died and left you alone but you have other parents. I hope you are always happy. Niki, if you feel bad about getting anything, remember that Wonie is always here, okay?"

Niki nodded as he and Jungwon hugged Each other again. Jungwon may be in love with Jay, but the feeling he got while hugging Niki was amazing. Jungwon didn't wanna let go off Niki, and the same was felt by Niki. They both loved being in each others embrace. Without getting noticed, Jungwon used to sniff Niki. He loved Niki's baby-like scent.

Ever since the duo met, these 2 stick together like Magnet. In only a week, these 2 became inseparable. These 2 would always hang out after school, Jungwon would always help Niki with studies. These both would laugh together, ignoring everyone else's existence. Jeongin even thought that Niki and Jungwon would be a better couple then Jay and Jungwon, but yes of course he didn't say anything...........

BOLD: Dialogs
Italics: Author Aka Me

Jungwon and Niki ran towards the table and sat together. Jungwon was sitting in between Sunoo and Niki, both the maknaes laughing so much that there eyes disappeared. "Wonie!! S-STOP!!" Niki said, not being able to stop laughing. Someone looked at both of them, and wasn't really happy about it. He wasn't happy about how Wonki would always stick together. He wasn't happy about how close they got. Guess who it is???

You guessed it, it's Park Jay.

Jay used to watch his boyfriend laugh along with another guy, have fun with some other guy, Hug and clinge to another guy.

And trust me, he was not liking it, at all.

"So you wanna-" Jay was cut off by Jungwon "Jeongin hyung can I stay over at Niki's house tonight" "Sure Won, have fun" Replied Jeongin who was passing by Jungwon. "Hey Jay hyung, I need a little help with Japanese, will you teach me?" Sunoo asked with puppy eyes. Jay was lowkey soft for Sunoo, so he agreed to go. Jay wanted Jungwon to get jealous at Jay studying with Sunoo but, Jungwon didn't even bother looking at Jay. JongSeong was hurt from inside but didn't react at all. "Thank you so much for helping me hyung!!" Sunoo replied gleaming "Japanese is so tough" Sunoo whined. "I am fluent in Japanese" Niki said as Jungwon instantly replied to the maknae "That's why I asked you to tutor me after school. Hey Sunoo hyung, why don't you come with us" "Nah, I want Jay hyung to teach me, plus, I don't think Niki has the patience to teach me and Jungwon at once, both of us being horrible at Japanese" All three of them giggled.

Everyone seemed happy, except for Jay, who felt a bit lonely again.

There was someone, who knew everything, he/She saw everything, but stayed silent. The person knew Jay was sad but stayed silent. The person saw everything, but no one knew anything.

Who is that person??

It's the Anonymous

Spoilers: You all don't realize how important the anonymous is in this story.

I feel bad writing this story sometimes :/
Why does Jay have to feel so bad :/
I hope no one thought that Jay or Niki was a villian. Both of them are just 2 boys who suffered in different ways. But they still suffered.

Yes, I spoiled something huge.

Like I always say, please bother yourself and try to comment because authors need to know how you felt about the book/chapter.

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Tysm for reading <3!!

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