I Wish You Loved Me

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Jay's POV~

I was walking nearby a bridge"I'm the cause of everything" I chuckled. "Dad, you said you will always be with us, right? Then why did you leave me alone on a street? Why did you let mom get beaten up everyday. I've blamed you everyday. But maybe, it was me. I'm the one who should be blamed. Maybe, if I didn't stand at the middle of the road, you'd be here. If I learned korean and did better in studies, mom wouldn't get beaten up today" I scoffed. "Maybe, if I tried to be a better boyfriend, I would have Jungwon besides me. Maybe, if I was with you today, I'd be happier" I was about to stand on the railing of the bridge but someone back hugged me. I could feel tears on my t-shirt.

"D-Don't hyung.. Don't." I turned behind to see Sunoo. He harshly hit my arm as he wiped his tears. "Ouch Ddeonu, You're so strong" I rubbed my arm, where he hit me. "DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS- I mean we were. I WAS AFRAID THAT YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG-" "Stop crying Ddeonu-" Sunoo hugged Me tightly, while crying on my chest. I just can't believe he actually cares so much about me. All those moments when Sunoo took care of me flashed in my mind. It's kinda shocking to me how Sunoo's always the one near me, offering me a way to feel comfortable when I'm sad. He really is a happy pill.

A/N: seriously? Bro it's obvious Sunoo's in love. I mean he's always there for you when your Wonie isn't.

I hugged him back. We both were walking while talking, I was sharing how I felt right now. "Jungwon is one of people I don't wanna lose at any cost" I told him. Sunoo asked me "May I know whose are the people you don't Wanna lose?" "Jungwon, Heeseung hyung, my mom, Sora noona and you" His eyes widened as he was shocked and blushing at the same time. "W-why me?" "'Cause you're my happy pill" he blushed a bit. For a 17 year old, he's extremely adorable.

A/N: We've been known Jay 😌🤚🏻
Anonymous: *dragging me away* Don't ruin their moment, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for Sunoo

"You owe me ice cream, by the way"

"Sure, which flavor?"

"You're not gonna ask why?"

"I feel lonely these days, I owe you something for giving me company. Now, which flavor?"

"Mint Chocolate chip"

"that ice cream tastes like toothpaste" I made a disgusted face

"Don't make me push you down" Sunoo glared at me

We both started laughing. We went inside a Baskin Robin's store nearby and I bought a Chocolate and a Mint Milk chocolate chip for Sunoo. I sat down and gave Sunoo his ice cream.

"I remember coming here on my first date" I still remember how you were blushing when I took a bite from your spoon. "Hyung, if you feel like, you're unlucky because Jungwon left you, remember that it's just your destiny. You weren't destined with Jungwon. That's why he's not yours"

"And I guess, destiny was never with me" I chuckled and took a bite. Sunoo put his hand on mine. He made an eye contact. (Alexa, play Stay with me) "If you ever think that destiny isn't with you, remember that I loved a guy for many years, but he was in love with someone else" He broke the eye contact and started eating his ice cream again. "That guy must be really unfortunate that he chose someone besides you" (A/N sipping tea, waiting for this dumbass to realize everything which he won't)

Awkward silence. Did I say something wrong? I turned behind when I heard the door open, and I saw a worried Jungwon and a crying Niki- Why is he crying? Niki rushed over to me any hugged me, but why. You stole Jungwon from me you should be happy-

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