First Meets, First Dates (3K Special)

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Author's POV~

The next day, the entire school, including the teachers and excluding Sunoo and Jay, everyone was talking about Jungwon and Niki being a couple, and the bigger topic was that it happened only within a week of their breakup.... In fact, just three days!!

Jungwon, as usual, patiently stood near the gate in the wait of Niki's bus to arrive, but as a student passed him, they would give him weird expressions. Two girls even passed by him, not even realizing his presence, and openly conversed about this situation. And of course, Jungwon would love to attack them because the male had a very high temper, but decided not to cause a drama, and be respectful to females. Besides, you always have a female friend if you want them beaten up.

"Jungwon" a girl called his name and waved, as Jungwon got startled and almost stumbled on his feet. "You- aish never mind" Jungwon shrugged, "Who are you?" he cluelessly asked at the girl in front who smiled at him.

You guys have heard about Jang Wonyoung probably, the one who gave updates about Wonki's little kiss, but seems as if Jungwon didn't.

Wonyoung rolled her eyes and sighed, but soon offered her hand, as Jungwon was still clueless and dumbfounded. "I'm Jang Wonyoung, and you're Yang Jungwon, right? You're friends with Jay and Yuna" Jungwon was totally taken aback at the girl knowing so much about him, but then he realized how popular they both are so he accepted her hand, giving a small smile, I'm not even sure if the smile was real or not. "I wanted to tell you, congratulations for finally being together with Niki. You guys are a cuter couple anyways" she chirped, as Jungwon looked at her, judging the female. "Nobody asked you but thanks I guess" Jungwon's eyes caught the bus finally stopping near the school main entrance, and dashed out, leaving the tall female alone, who stood there with her lips parted and eyelids blinking. 'For once you decide not to judge people and this is how people act' Wonyoung thought. She took a deep breath, squinting her eyes, and tightening her fists, all at once. Gripping onto the straps of her bag pack, she moved on.

Jungwon's footsteps stopped in front of Niki, as he smiled at him shiningly. Man, I swear, Jungwon's smile could replace the sun. "Niki" he gleemingly said as Niki smiled at him too. "Aww so cute" Hyunjin cooed at the new couple, and then skipped forward joyfully. "He seemed more happy than you two" Yuna said in the background, making Niki and Jungwon turn behind. "OMG noona" both exclaimed in suprise. She stretched her arms up, hugging Wonki's necks, and started dramatically fake sobbing. "My kids are growing so fast" she sniffed, as the maknaes giggled at their noona's dramatic behavior. "Not even Yeji noona was this dramatic over me dating" Niki joked, receiving chuckles.

It was lunch time, and Jungwon wasn't confident enough to face Jay... Since it hadn't been a while since they broke up and Niki and he already had matching pendants that Niki once brought. And, Niki didn't force him either. "You sure you wanna have lunch with the hyungs, Love?" Niki asked, closing his locker while Jungwon took his time arranging everything, and Niki understood that he's trying to sabotage. "'Cause you don't seem like it" Niki leaned at the locker, looking at Jungwon who was hurryingly putting everything inside. Niki was startled when Jungwon shut the door close. "Let's go now" Jungwon boldly asserted, not moving a single inch after saying that. Niki, who was a quite ahead, looked back at Jungwon who was frozen like a statue. "You know, we don't really have to... If you want we can go to Hyunjin hyung" Niki cupped Jungwon's left cheek, slightly pecking his lips, which was his way of telling "It's okay"

Hand-in-hand, Wonki entered the cafeteria, spotting Yuna waving at them, knowing they'll have to go to them. Jungwon and Niki looked at each other, then at Yuna and walked over while Jungwon's breathing became irregular. Spotting Jay sitting there, his heartbeat increased, as he put his hood on, a small attempt to hide his face, that he did not want to show to Jay at the moment. Despite the fact that Jay wasn't even looking at Jungwon and was looking at his IPhone, Jungwon's breath continued to get heavier every second.

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