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I shifted my gaze to the demon's face. The description definitely matched Tanjirou's reports. She had pigtails and a red dress. If this was truly Muzan's daughter, then things were worse than it seemed. The other child from the room was sitting on the floor with terror stricken eyes staring at the demon girl, who was walking towards her slowly. I really couldn't stand still this way. "Water breathing seventh form – Cap Tip Slice!" I decided that the fastest breathing form would be the best way to get around her defences, which were undoubtedly strong. As I was about to bring my sword down on her neck, I hesitated for a second. This was only a child, even younger than Tanjirou's sister. I saw her click her fingers again, and I was pushed back. I shouldn't have hesitated at all. In doing so, I had given up my opportunity to end this swiftly.

I resisted against the force with all of my strength and only managed to be pushed back a meter from where I was a moment ago. This attack might not have injured her at all, but now her attention had shifted from the other child towards me. Well, it was better this way. I signaled to the child with my eyes, asking her to try to find the exit. She nodded lightly and waited for an opportunity. The demon spoke up again, "So... you are a hashira after all. This should be fun. If I manage to kill you, my father will make me an Upper Moon." She jolted her head up, pushing her bangs away and I looked into her eyes. It said, "Recruit - Upper Moon 4."

I should have known. If this was Muzan's daughter, he had definitely given her a lot of his blood. Any normal person would have perished from the amount of Muzan's blood an Upper Moon had. This girl probably had even more of it than the other Upper Moons which made her a lethal opponent. Her only disadvantage was her age and thus underdeveloped brain and strategic skills. I would have to find out how her power worked. I had already experienced her power to rewind the time, and she could also control energy which shot out of her palms. I would have to avoid the beams of energy; however, I couldn't guarantee that I would be able to stop her from rewinding time. It would be very inconvenient if she could rewind time right before I threw an attack at her.

While I was still trying to come up with another attack strategy, she started walking towards me. She looked like she knew what she was doing. I readied myself and took an attacking stance, however she looked unperturbed. She brought her hands together and whispered something. That's when everything went chaotic. All the windows that were bringing the little light into the house were pulled shut and everything went dark. The din almost made me want to cover my ears. The child who had been trying to slowly inch closer to the exits screamed. I cursed under my breath, if I couldn't defeat a seven year old demon, what good was I as a hashira? I had to do something, and fast.

"Water Breathing Second Form: Water Wheel!" I tried to leap towards her and swing my blade vertically as an attack from above. I thought it would take her by surprise. However, she was ready for me, and right before the sword came in contact with her skin, she made the snapping motion again and I was thrown back towards the wooden door of the room the children were hiding in before. I tried to calm myself, forthright attacks like this wouldn't be effective. I still had my secret technique, which no demon had lived to talk about before. However, I needed to find out more about Muzan from her before killing her.

"So, who's your father? He promised to make you a soldier now, did he? Well, I'm a soldier too. I can tell you about it if you want. Being a soldier, is not always about the power. It's about saving others, while being ready to sacrifice your own life if need be. Did your father tell you about this?" She looked at me with eyes full of hatred. "LIES. I don't need to hear more lies from you. My father promised me that being a soldier would be fun. He also promised to spend more time with me, as an apology for not being around when I was small." So... this is what it was all about. She just wanted her father to notice her, and give her the time she wanted. She was only a child after all. No child could have truly malicious reasons to kill other humans.

"Do you know where your father is now?" I asked her. There was a one in a million possibility of her knowing about it, but I had to try my chances. She looked hesitant for a minute, "I- I'm not obliged to answer your questions. Even if I knew, I would never reveal his secrets or location to you!" She shot out her palms, but I was ready this time and I jumped out of her way.

I looked up, and saw my Kasugai crow sitting on the wooden ledges. Although he was old, he was probably my only friend these days. I summoned him with a swift motion of my fingers. Sometimes, he forgot to deliver my messages accurately and it worried me. However, he was my only hope at the moment. If I died today, someone had to inform the others about everything we learnt today. I called out to him "Report to the master!" He answered with an affirmation and swiftly flew out of a little hole in one of the windows. Now that I knew that the information would reach the right hands, I could actually fight freely, without any restraints. I turned to the demon who looked at me with a bored expression, and said "Alright, you want to be a soldier, right? Let's see if you have the right technique. Come at me."


I apologize for the super late update. I promise I'm alive! I was away on a little vacation last month, and I suck at writing battle scenes. Sorry! :") To make it up to you guys, I'll be posting three chapters this week. So don't forget to check them out!

Also, I CAN NOT BELIEVE that I hit 5K views so quickly. I am so grateful to all my readers. It makes me really happy to read all the comments, because it makes me feel like people like to read whatever I write. Honestly, I'm gonna celebrate with some waffles real soon. 

I also plan to drop a Q and A chapter to celebrate 5K views, for my next update. So don't forget to DM me your questions if you have any! :)

Also, don't forget to vote and comment!  q(≧▽≦q)

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