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Wasn't it supposed to be an easy mission? He has already been gone for a whole day, and the village is pretty close by. "Mitsuri, how long does it take to return from this village Tomioka San has gone to?" She looked up with a smirk, "Are you worried? It's supposed to take a little less than half a day, so if everything goes well, he should be back by tomorrow afternoon." I nodded and went to stand at the window. The moon was exceedingly dull today, not a very refreshing sight. As I was about to close the windows, I saw a crow fly across. This wasn't normal. All the birds were back at their nests already because the sun had set a couple of hours ago. Besides, the crow looked an awful lot like Tomioka San's.

This wasn't good at all. He hadn't been in the best physical state when he left for this mission, if this was his crow, and it was back without him, could it be possible that- "Are you listening to me?" I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Mitsuri standing in front of me, waving her hands to catch my attention. "What is it? You can tell me you know." "I- thought I just saw Tomioka San's crow fly towards Oyakata Sama's place." She looked at me, "It was a crow. You can't be sure it was his. It could easily have been some other random crow, probably calling someone else off on a mission." I mumbled a 'hmm' but I wasn't satisfied. I'd just have to wait till morning.


"I see," Kagaya Ubuyashiki looked pretty worried at the turn the situation had taken. "I should send reinforcements in case he needs them. Most of the hashiras aren't away on missions anyways. Who would be best suited for the mission? Mitsuri would be a good choice since she has been to the village recently and knows about it. Shinobu would be an excellent choice too since she and Tomioka are on good terms with each other. What do you think?" he asked. Kanata and Kiriya nodded in unison and said, "Excellent choice." He addressed the crow and said, "Inform Shinobu and Mitsuri about the mission as soon as possible. It's better they make a move already, in case it's too late." The crow flew off towards the Butterfly Mansion.


"Water Breathing – Third form – FLOWING DANCE!" I leapt up once again. I dodged all the beams she shot at me and brought the sword down on her. However, she shifted at the last moment, and I only managed to make a small cut on her arm. Almost instantly, she shot out her other arm and hit my leg with a beam. It hurt tremendously. I heard a slight crack. Maybe I had broken a bone, but I couldn't think about it now. As I was still recovering from the blow, she sent another beam straight towards my face. I limped out of its path. This kept dragging on. I was getting really irritated now. I'd have to do something to end this quickly. I wondered if my crow had conveyed the information to Oyakata Sama.

If only I could take her by surprise, I would be able to prevent her from rewinding the time, and that would be the cue to end this. I had a plan. I'd use the water breathing technique best suited for moving targets to make her come to a standstill and while she recovered from the blow, I'd use the eleventh form. "Water Breathing Seventh Form – DROP RIPPLE THRUST!" I stabbed her in the neck but I couldn't cut off the head. She pushed me back with a blow. "Eleventh form - Dead Calm!" I felt a wave of calmness hit me. The excitement of the battle didn't affect me anymore. I saw all of her blows come at me clearly and I dodged them. I could see the Opening thread. I limped towards her. She seemed fixed in her position as she tried to comprehend the sudden change in my features. As she brought her hands up to rewind the time, I cut her neck off smoothly.

As her body was disintegrating, she managed to say, "M-maybe I didn't have the right technique after all. Will daddy come here to say goodbye? I really miss him." A tear slid down her eyes, and the last bits of her presence disappeared into thin air. I usually felt relieved every time I defeated a demon, but this time I felt really guilty. I couldn't understand why. I had killed a child... for the first time in my life. It didn't matter if she was a demon or Muzan's daughter, she was only seven. I felt fatigue suddenly brush over me, and I felt the pain in my leg. I couldn't stand still anymore. I felt my feet give way under me and I hit the floor. However, I was too tired to try to get up right now. The broken window panes indicated that it was almost dawn. Finally, I gave in to my fatigue and closed my eyes. Instantly, I lost all consciousness.

"TOMIOKA SAN! ARE YOU OKAY!?" I heard someone scream my name. It sounded like... Kochou? No, her voice was different. Was it Mitsuri? I couldn't open my eyes and my head hurt. "Ahhhh Shinobu, do you have anything to help him? His pulse is really faint." "I'm trying!" That's when I felt someone gripping my arm really tightly. However, the grip loosened really soon and a different pair of hands took over. I felt someone push a syringe in my arm. Almost instantly, I felt slightly better. I opened my eyes, and saw Mitsuri's face. She looked really worried. I wondered why. I was alright.

I tried to turn my head and saw another person beside me. It was...Kochou. At first my vision was a little blurry, but when it cleared up, I saw that her eyes looked slightly teary? "Kochou- are you crying?" Instantly, her expression changed and she put on a pained smile, "Of course not. Why would you think so? You do know, that nobody likes you, right? Don't think I care." I sighed, "I'm not hated by people." She inhaled sharply, "Stop talking. You're injured." And then she pulled me into a light hug, "I'm just glad you're okay," she whispered in my ears.


I'm amazed at how fast the views are growing. I'mma celebrate with some pizza really soon. I'll try to update faster than I used to because I feel kind of motivated these days.

Maybe vote and comment if y'all want :)

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