Volume 1 | Prologue

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In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is defined as this:

The sensitive dependence on in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state.

The most famous example, which the theory is named after, is a butterfly, which flaps its wings, that it pushes just enough air that a devastating tornado forms - it barely passes the minimum boundary.

Or, in a less chaotic example, something ever-so-slightly changes that the outcome changes. Different situations happen. Different choices have to be made. A new... timeline is created.

What if...


The outcome varies, being either a major or a minor change. Absolutely anything can happen.


Perhaps something happened in the White Room. You know, like the infamous torture method? Well, not exactly.

Torture was correct. Children were forced to take part in this program. Most of them collapsed and were never seen again. Others had mental breakdowns. Some never spoke another word.

Everything was white. It was the plainest you could ever imagine. But you could also argue that it was the most colourful place, since white is the collection of all other colours.

The food was white, the beds, absolutely everything. The tables, chairs, you name it. The only differences in colour were ink, food and... others...

You didn't even know the names of those around you. All I knew was they were inferior.

We were monitored constantly. Our actions, tests, movement and nutrient intake down to the absolute minimum. And if we failed...

I survived the longest. I didn't fail.

I knew I was the best.

I got bored.

I tested those testing me.

Yet, I didn't show any emotion.

But I was curious.

Curious, even though we were trained to obey to the absolute. To not think twice about any order.

My curiosity got the better of me. Where did those monitoring me go?

We knew there was an outside.

And I was determined to be free.

Like a caged bird, wishing to fly high into the sky.

So, the last one remaining fled the facility, venturing deep into unknown realms, looking for a safe place.

A place in Japan known as the Advanced Nurturing High School.

And I, Ayanokōji Kiyotaka, the masterpiece of the my demonic 4th generation was set free.

And I never knew how much my life would change.

[Revised: August 4th, 2022]

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