Volume 2 | Prologue

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Looking back, the time I had before the summer break of my first year at ANHS was... relatively mundane. However, that wasn't all as certain interesting events were peppered around. 

As the heat of the summer approached and people adapted to the rising temperature, tempers and the school did not. In the world that was steadily warming up, and with governments unwilling to do anything about it, us students could only stand and watch. 

Well, to say 'stand and watch' would be wrong. 'Continue unknowing' would be more like it. 

ANHS was a place of security, a free prison almost. A prison with benefits, if you so wish. No contact with the outside world in exchange for a... dystopia.

Yet, security from the outside never meant security in the inside.

And thus followed a chain of events that would echo throughout our life at ANHS.

"Hey, I said you--!"

"--understand? I can't say I do."

"Don't you dare--"

"--mess with me--"

"--as I know--"

"--exactly their plan--"

"Didn't you hear a single thing of what I just said?!"

"I-- I-- said I--"

"Well, this will be interesting..."

"Fufu~ how amusing..."


And thus concludes two relatively short chapters. I just wanted to get something out, I haven't uploaded for a long time and I'm starting to get into the swing of things again. Hopefully this is a positive sign.

Anyway, I hope you're all well... 2020 season 3 is going great ain't it?

QOTD: What colour is Friday? 
No, seriously, think about it.

[Published: April 26, 2022]

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