Chapter 5: Love, Tests and Other Delusions

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"So... Ayanokōji-kun, I've come to a conclusion."

"Conclusion about what?"

Once again, I've been found out and am currently having lunch with some people from my class. Still, I don't know why I keep getting invited but I guess I like it? I mean, I don't really have a choice.

"If you answer me and to all of us honestly, I'll forgive you."

"About what?" Ichinose pointed her finger at me.

"Look we're friends, right?"

Since when?

"...sure? That's right, but what does that have—"

"Then we all agree to tell to each other when we find our beloved partners, right?" The rest of the group I was sitting in nodded their heads and watched the situation ongoing.

"Beloved partner? Is that another term for girlfriend? Unlikely, but alright—"

"You're secretly dating Himeno-san aren't you?"

Said girl who was in our group stopped sipping on their drink and raised their hand, as if to slap Ichinose.

How did she come up with that conclusion?

"Ichinose-san, you're dead meat."

The rest of the group looked at the situation suspiciously while also snickering.

"I'm not joking! It looks like it, how you're acting right now!"

"Stupid, I'm going to remember this. Seriously. To me, you're the suspicious one."

"But you two always talk to each other after school! It's something secret~"

"You're mistaken Ichinose. Can I not just talk about school work with a class mate?" I respond, attempting to drag the situation away. Does this world really hate me this much?

"But why not your seat mate?"

...did I just see Ichinose pout?

'Well, you're always talking to someone else, and you're popular. I prefer not to stand out,' is what I would say if I was raised up differently.

"Well, can I not talking to different people? I need a change of pace after talking to others in our break times."

"...still, I think there's something between you two."

I awaited the crisp-sounding slap that I thought would follow, but none ever happened as the situation miraculously defused.

"On the topic, apparently there's a couple in Class D!"

I love logic.

"Really? Who and who?"

Why? Well, the thought of eliminating paths and theories to find the single correct one is exhilarating. The factor of uncertainties adds to excitement.

"Hey? Could you spare any private points? I'm kind of saving up for something—"

Everything could change, in a single flap of a wing.

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