Chapter 6: The Pieces Move Into Place

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Looking at the previous chapter's QOTD, I've gathered two things from it: you guys are either psychopaths or Sakayanagi simps.

"Rook to G2. Checkmate."

"Ah, I've lost again Ayanokōji."

"You put up a better fight this time round, Kanzaki."


What, should I not have said that? I'm sorry I don't know how to exactly complement others.

Oh, what's going on? Chess. Not Shōgi.

Chess. Get it? The simpler version. Or well, a lot simpler for regular people. To me, the difference between chess and shōgi is non-existent. They both have a similar concept and this means that the strategies you develop are fundamentally the same. Kind of. 

"You're pretty good at this. It's like battling a computer, except this time the computer is sentient... ahah!"


"It's a bit far to call Ayanokōji a computer. However, I also completely agree with you because look at that face!"

Oh right, also with us is the proclaimed Shiroyō.


"Top 10 unanswered questions: does Ayanokōji ever change his facial expression?" joked Kanzaki.

Thanks, that's really uplifting to know that. Would that be a good response? No, that feels like teasing... or banter? What's the difference?

"I just got the facial expression from DNA. I can't do anything, it's literally coded into me."

"Hah, coded, like a computer. I feel like you're actually more funny than you let on, or maybe you don't even know it yourself, right?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Ahh, why did I have to be in Class B where they're all sniffing me out! I'm starting to think being the iron rule of Class C might be better

"Look at this guy: master at chess, yet can't get above 51% on his test. I judged that to be easier than the entrance exam so what gives?"

Actually, my secrets would probably be demanded to be handed over. On second thoughts, not so much then.

"I just wasn't feeling great on the day."

I probably could have given a better excuse.

"That sounds like an excuse."

"Yeah, it is. I can't think of a better one right now."

This is quite a lot of hassle... it's not worth it.

"Oh— so you accept that you just lied to me?"

"Pretty much."

"You're a weird person. It's seriously like you were raised in a lab under inhumane conditions."

"Maybe, maybe so..." I mutter under my breath.


It's the next day after yesterday's lunch break antics. And well, I'm not enjoying it so far.

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