Volume 1 | Epilogue

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No matter how hard I try, I can never get away from this website. Probably because I get too invested into anime and alternate realities. 
Anyway... I'm back (for now) ;)

Hoshinomiya-sensei walked into the classroom, looking around at us while holding the deadly black briefcase. Class B was joking around, since no one knew for sure when the results would be released, but fell into a silence when she unzipped her bag and pulled out a folded piece of paper.

"Sensei, are those the results?"

"You would be correct Ichinose. We might as well get them out of the way."

As everyone went to their seats, sensei used magnets to stick the paper to the wall.

"You guys did well for Class B. Honestly, it's quite comforting. There's quite a large number of scorers in the 90s. A few scored 100 here and there."

Sensei didn't say anything else, so I assumed that we weren't in trouble. Everyone seemed to be above the class average.

Life's going well, the sun is shining, and I have made my scores improve. No one in this class sees each other's papers, therefore I am free to answer whichever questions I want.

My scores will look like they've improved. To everyone around me, it shouldn't bring suspicion.

If I'm needed to lie to make myself innocent, I will. After all, I'm just a student trying their hardest to do the best.

"Looks like you're all going to be attending the trip to a luxury island with the other classes!"

Ah, I forgot about that.

The class cheered, breaking into a loud chatter.

"Although, you might have guessed that you'd all be going there anyway~"

"Way to ruin the mood, Sensei!" someone called out.

Sensei only chuckled before reading out average scores from other classes, in order to compare ourselves. Class A's averages were higher, of course, yet Class D and C were on a slight fight for third place. Class B was still safely in 2nd place.

"Ne~" A voice trailed next to me.

"What is it? Why must you be so intent on pressuring me like this? Didn't you know people perform less efficiently if pressured for continuous amounts of time?"

"Why would you assume that? I was going to congratulate you on scoring higher than you did before!"

"I'd assume that because that's my mental image of you."

"No matter what, it is my duty to congratulate everyone personally! Especially if they seem to struggle!"

Ah, if only I could be so... emotive...


Class A is the least of my concerns. There was a truce set up between the two classes, however no one knows how long it will last. Of course, it is beneficial to both classes. Class B benefits from not being pushed down, Class A has a large enemy off of its shoulders. 

However, Class B would benefit more if teamed up with Classes C and D, although by the looks of the average scores from earlier that won't be for a relatively long time. Hoshinomiya-sensei also revealed that the centre-school body had released an app for every class' class points to be shown. In other words, they want something interesting to happen.

As I review the test papers given back by subject teachers, a notification pops up on my phone screen. 

[Ichinose]: Ayanokōji-kun, are you free currently?

I pick up my phone and reply to her. Everyone in our class exchanged contacts relatively painlessly near the beginning of the school year.

[Me]: I'm reviewing the exam papers, like a diligent student.

[Ichinose]: Reviewing? 

It's amazing. Even if you aren't talking to a person, you can tell tone of voice by simple punctuation and your own mental image of them. 

[Me]: Yes, is there a problem with that?

[Ichinose]: Mhm. This is the one of the few occasions I'll tell people to stop their studying but you should head over to Keyaki mall soon. We're celebrating a completed hurdle together!

[Me]: Is this compulsory?

[Ichinose]: Let's say 'yes'. 

I was about to type a reply but my screen changed. On my phone screen was a call request from Kanzaki. 

"Ayanokōji here. What do you want?"

"Listen, I know you're not the type of person to socialise, I know you that much, but you should at least come to Keyaki this once. I know Ichinose is worthless at convincing at times."

"I'll come along, since I guess everyone's there."

"Woah seriously? Who are you, and what have you done with Ayanokōji?"

Kanzaki switched from a joking manner back to his regular one.

"You may not notice it but you've started to change, just slightly."

The call ended and I got up from the table. Have I changed?

I grab a few belongings of mine before leaving my room. As I wait for the elevator, I check the new app and notice a design change. I don't think of anything too special about it before I realise something new, just as the elevator arrives and the door opens. 

"Hey, you--"

I changed my plans massively here, but I think it's a mediocre tie-off. Anyway, this is a double upload so continue reading on...

[Published: April 26, 2022]

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