Chapter 2: Acts of Diplomacy

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Do not fret! I will still use the other Class B characters! I just need to use my own as we are given little information about their personalities and abilities!

I'll try to use known characters to the best of my understanding, and if you do know something about a character's abilities or personality (e.g. the character is used in the manga, or a brief description is given in the light novels somewhere) please do tell me! I can't search everywhere at once.

I don't want to make character's too different to their 'true personality' as it will annoy people that do know the correct thing and annoy me because I got something wrong.

Stay hydrated!



I woke up on August 2 a lot earlier than I expected. I opted to sleep in one of the tents, and it was a lot comfier than I expected with the vinyl sheets. However, the heat and humidity, even though we had taken some precautions, still affected us. The night breeze did blow through, but as the sun started to rise, the heat rose with it.

I carefully slipped out of the tent, making sure not to wake anyone. The time was currently reaching quarter-past five and before long, everyone would be woken from the intense heat. I reached into my pocket for my card, and swiped it against the metal, marking the next eight hours of control over this spot.

I wasn't convinced that someone wouldn't try to take this spot overnight, but then I realised that all the groups would have been spread out across the island that it would be hazardous to try and move in the dark. I looked over to the closest hammock, which was held between two palm trees, in a position of shade throughout most of the day.

Bedraggled strawberry-pink hair lay partly over the edge of the hammock. Although my curiosity wanted to look over the edge, I decided it best not to pursue the thought.

I then made my way to the pile of our belongings by the largest tree in order to make the tents as spacious as possible. Beside our bags were a couple of hammocks that we didn't put up yesterday, available if more people wanted to sleep outside.

After making sure I was alone, I found a piece of singularly coloured luggage, Kaneda's bag. I grabbed it without hesitation and checked inside. Inside, I found the same things that everyone else had: towels, a change of clothes, underwear, however...

"A digital camera, huh?"

This item wasn't appropriate for the deserted island. On the bottom of the camera was a rental sticker. I then checked the power source, yet it contained no sign that it had been used. After I finished my inspection, I returned the item and went back to the tent.

"Good morning, Ayanokōji. Heading to the bathroom?"

Kanzaki was awake. From a hammock near our tent, he got up.

"Ah. Did I wake you, by any chance?"

"Oh no. The sun got into my eyes."

Somehow, other people in the hammocks were still asleep, possibly turned away from the sunlight. However, our conversation had started to rise a few people, coupled with the growing bird songs in the distance.

"M-morning a-all. Whew, it's early."

"You can still sleep, you know?"

"Y-yeah, but--" Ichinose yawned and shook her hair. "O-once I'm awake, it's not that easy to go to s-sleep."

I went over to our food store and grabbed some fruits.

"It might be a good idea to go check other classes while it's early. Ayanokōji, do you want to come with me?"

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