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Chapter 01

★★★★★YOUR DEBUT ★★★★★■□■□■□■□■■□■□■□■□■

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★★★★★YOUR DEBUT ★★★★★


Y/n remembered so vividly how her mom trained her in the arts of ninjutsu. She didn't know why her mom was so obsessed with her knowing how to protect herself. But maybe just maybe it was just part of tradition. You see originally her and her mother where from Japan but it all changed because her mom kept changing countries. It was like she was keeping a secret from Y/n living in some kind of paranoia. Even though she was confused the e/c eyed girl grew to love traveling with her mom. It was always them against the world. You are probably wondering where is her dad. Well her mom told her he left when he found Y/m/n was pregnant. To bad for him because he is missing on a wonderful family. Right now Y/n was 13 years old and wanted more than moving. She wanted friends and a home with her mother. So she was lucky to persuade her mother on stopping does hectic travels. Her mother decided on living in the United States where there was a state called New York. New York City was there destination were they would be living in a apartment. Living in New York city was quite dangerous for normal people but for them was a piece of cake. Months passed and they got the hang of it. Being able to speak english and other languages was quite resourceful. Right now Y/n was training with her mother in their own dojo which was first another room.

"Hey mom that's not fair you distracted me!" The 13 year old mumbles breathing heavily.

"I have told you a thousand times your enemies will do whatever it takes to win the fight. Fighting is not fair so stop daydreaming and focus on my moves!" Y/m/n yells a little frustrated and her daughter gets annoyed.

"Mother at least let me rest I am only 13 years old remember?" She sits on the mat crossing her legs while attempting a meditation position. Her mom softens her gaze and nods.

"She's right I have been pushing her a lot lately after I found out... something terrible" The woman sits next to her daughter patting her head. "I'm sorry sweet pea now you can go do your own thing I need to work on something" Y/m/n smiles fatigued while her daughter fails to notice her expression. The girl quickly runs off to her room happily.

"Thanks mom! That was a good fight though" She yells from the kitchen opening an ice cream container digging in.

"After all she is still a child" The woman gets up walking to her room with a warm smile in her face. The smile quickly fades when she enters her room. The woman was just trying to live a normal life with her daughter but she couldn't not after what happened in the past.

"Well it's time to investigate some more...after interrogating those useless purple dragons. I suspect there's more evil behind these city... After all I have done to try and flee from any kind of danger. It's time for me to step it up a notch." She looks at herself on the mirror feeling a little dizzy. "Even though my time is running out their is still time to make it right. If I keep training Y/n like that she'll be able to fill my place" The e/c eyed female mumbles while tracing her eye bags.

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