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Chapter 02

★MODERN ROBIN HOOD ★■□■□■□■□■■□■□■□■□■

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Your (pov)

I had to become what I was mostly teached not to do. I became a theif and I wasn't proud of it but I needed food along with money. Ever since my mother's disappearance the bills were due and let's not forget about the rent. What I hated the most was robbing right in front of people. I didn't hurt them but it hurt seeing their faces full of fear. After all that I decided to steal from people that sneered at people with low status. Kind of like the story Robin Hood and yeah I would fullfill everything in the story. Making sure I'd share with homeless people too. Only taking what seemed right and never use my ninja skills to get what I want. Although I still used my ninja costume to hide my identity. Ever since I tried to rob from some purple dragons they could easily know who I am. Hiding my girly features covering what would make it look suspicious. Basically well....I am impersonating as a teenage boy. As much as I would like to show people how a girl could be badass too. I prefer to hide who I am all the way through so people won't suspect this character is me.

Maybe you're wondering who the heck is this character well... People call me the Crimson Soldier due to my ninja attire. My name began to be known by everyone in the city except the police. I always try to avoid being caught on the crime scene. Right now I am going through alleys finding the people I began to get fond of. People without a home...people that need things more than I do. Usually I find them giving them the belongings having some kind of chit chat. Getting praises, thank yous and hand shakes.

Third Person (pov) ⚔️

"Hey Crimson Soldier I just wanted to warn you about something" The old man said while drinking his cup of water.

"What is it Mr. Bruce?"the girl teen mumbles making her voice lower much like a teen boy.

"Those filthy purple dragons are now keeping an eye for you. They are mad because you keep on getting on their turf and stealing what they so desperately wanted." He finishes coughing a little and the girl looks at him worried.

"Don't worry about me I can easily beat those dumb excuses of humans. But thanks for the information I'll make sure to give them a piece of my mind." The crimson masked bandit breaths heavilly annoyed. "Never mind that, have you been drinking the meds I gave you?" Y/n crosses her arms and the man smiles a little.

"I ran out a week ago" He states shame written in his tone of voice.

"Mr. Bruce you promised you'd tell me if you ran out so I could get you more" The e/c eyed girl says while grabbing her red backpack unzipping the bag. "It's your lucky day I happen to have the medicine you need" She smiles underneath her mask instantly relieved that her new friend will somehow end up getting better.

Crimson Soldier||Raphael Hamato x Reader Where stories live. Discover now