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Y/n was running through a building the guys were following her. She had just argued with Master Splinter due to her sneaking into the Purple Dragons lair. The girl was stealing the "bounty" they stole from people and giving them to the homeless people she knew. Master Splinter had thought does actions were not suitable for a young kunoichi to do. And although she felt shameful about it, all she could think off was Mr. Bruce. The girl ran away with a
red backpack on her back.

"Crimson where the shell do you think you are going?!" Raphael yells through the rooftops while the rest of the turtles follow her.

"Just leave me alone!" she yells tears streaming down her eyes. Y/n was going to give her first adult friend some of the medicine her mother had bought long ago.

"Listen Y/n, you need to calm down. We are worried about you!" Leonardo says and her steps falter. She cared about them, Y/n didn't want to hide anything from them.

"I am just...well" she clears her throat cleaning her tears with the ninja mask she had. "I came to see someone" the fourteen year old girl stands tall.

"You should have told us dummy" the four turtles are now next to her with worried glances.

"Master Splinter really gave you an earful but he is somehow right" Leonardo states trying to change her mind.

"Don't you think I know that Leo?" She says with a cold tone. "I know this isn't right but I promised them... That as long as the Crimson Soldier is standing at least some hope of them having their stomachs full...will be guaranteed."

"What are you talking about dudette?" Michelangelo asks with a curious tone.

"You'll see when I get there. But I advice you to keep a low profile if you want. I know Mr. Bruce wouldn't judge you but...I don't know if you want to keep your identity secret." Y/n finishes covering her face again. All of the turtles nod and follow her. She lands in a nearby alley while clutching her red backpack.

"Mr. Bruce" she pats his back making him turn around.

"Gosh you scared me crimson soldier" the old man looks at the bag she carried. "You didn't have to do it again." he said shyly with slight guilt. The four teens hid in the shadows looking at the interaction.

"Just accept the token of my appreciation. Thanks to you I have covered a lot of ground in the last months" the girl says with her fake male voice. The man grabs the bag looking at the food and medicine she brought. "It's not much but...I hope it helps"

"Are you kidding Crimson! The medicine is plenty" the man hugs the girl making her freeze a little. It's been a while since she was hugged by him. It was all surreal and the turtles felt it. If only the grown ups knew that a fourteen year old girl was doing anything that she could do to help them.

"All right Mr. Bruce you are choking me" the girl said playfully and stops hugging him.

"You are always this quick to avoid affection kid" he pats her back. "Thanks a lot for the help. I don't want to keep being a burden."

"Sush, I already told you I hate you calling yourself a burden. I do this by my own free will." Her eyes stare at him with a serious glint.

"Ok, ok. Stop with the creepy eyes already." He laughs and the two stay there talking for a while. The teenage turtles would like to join in now knowing the kind aura Mr. Bruce omits. But they decided that they wanted him to be safe from their enemies. After the talk crimson bid farewell to Mr. Bruce. The girl hid in the shadows and looks at the guys.

"I guess modern robin hood was really one of your other hero names." Donatello states with his dorky smile.

"I am no hero" the girl said solemnly and climbs on top of a roof top. Sitting on the ledge with her legs dangling. She gets out a bag of chips munching on them and the four turtles stare at her. Michelangelo shrugs and sits next to her. Y/n passes the chips to him. Raphael quickly sits on the opposite side of her that's left.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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